usage: [-h] [--data_type DATA_TYPE] [--exclude_background]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_images [in_images ...] out_image

Performs an operation on a list of images. The supported operations are
listed below.

This script is loading all images in memory, will often crash after a few
hundred images.

Some operations such as multiplication or addition accept float value as
parameters instead of images.
> multiplication img.nii.gz 10 mult_10.nii.gz


    lower_threshold: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above the threshold will be set to one.

    upper_threshold: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to one.
        All values above the threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion.

    lower_threshold_eq: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above or equal the threshold will be set to one.

    upper_threshold_eq: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values below or equal the threshold will be set to one.
        All values above the threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion.

    lower_threshold_otsu: IMG
        All values below or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above the Otsu threshold will be set to one.

    upper_threshold_otsu: IMG
        All values below the Otsu threshold will be set to one.
        All values above or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold_otsu followed by an inversion.

    lower_clip: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to threshold.

    upper_clip: IMG THRESHOLD
        All values above the threshold will be set to threshold.

    absolute_value: IMG
        All negative values will become positive.

    round: IMG
        Round all decimal values to the closest integer.

    ceil: IMG
        Ceil all decimal values to the next integer.

    floor: IMG
        Floor all decimal values to the previous integer.

    normalize_sum: IMG
        Normalize the image so the sum of all values is one.

    normalize_max: IMG
        Normalize the image so the maximum value is one.

    log_10: IMG
        Apply a log (base 10) to all non zeros values of an image.

    log_e: IMG
        Apply a natural log to all non zeros values of an image.

    convert: IMG
        Perform no operation, but simply change the data type.

    invert: IMG
        Operation on binary image to interchange 0s and 1s in a binary mask.

    addition: IMGs
        Add multiple images together.

    subtraction: IMG_1 IMG_2
        Subtract first image by the second (IMG_1 - IMG_2).

    multiplication: IMGs
        Multiply multiple images together (danger of underflow and overflow)

    division: IMG_1 IMG_2
        Divide first image by the second (danger of underflow and overflow)
        Ignore zeros values, excluded from the operation.

    mean: IMGs
        Compute the mean of images.
        If a single 4D image is provided, average along the last dimension.

    std: IMGs
        Compute the standard deviation average of multiple images.
        If a single 4D image is provided, compute the STD along the last

    correlation: IMGs
        Compute the correlation average of multiple images.

    union: IMGs
        Operation on binary image to keep voxels, that are non-zero, in at
        least one file.

    intersection: IMGs
        Operation on binary image to keep the voxels, that are non-zero,
        are present in all files.

    difference: IMG_1 IMG_2
        Operation on binary image to keep voxels from the first file that are
        not in the second file (non-zeros).

    concatenate: IMGs
        Concatenate a list of 3D and 4D images into a single 4D image.

    dilation: IMG, VALUE
        Binary morphological operation to spatially extend the values of an
        image to their neighbors. VALUE is in voxels.

    erosion: IMG, VALUE
        Binary morphological operation to spatially shrink the volume contained
        in a binary image. VALUE is in voxels.

    closing: IMG, VALUE
        Binary morphological operation, dilation followed by an erosion.

    opening: IMG, VALUE
        Binary morphological operation, erosion followed by a dilation.

    blur: IMG, VALUE
        Apply a gaussian blur to a single image.

positional arguments:
                        The type of operation to be performed on the images.
  in_images             The list of image files or parameters.
  out_image             Output image path.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data_type DATA_TYPE
                        Data type of the output image. Use the format: uint8, int16, int/float32, int/float64.
  --exclude_background  Does not affect the background of the original images.
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.