usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--synb0]
                   [--encoding_direction {x,y,z}] [--readout READOUT]
                   [--out_b0s OUT_B0S] [--out_directory OUT_DIRECTORY]
                   [--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX] [--out_params OUT_PARAMS]
                   [--out_script] [--topup_options TOPUP_OPTIONS]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_forward_b0 in_reverse_b0

Prepare a typical command for topup and create the necessary files.
The reversed b0 must be in a different file.


positional arguments:
  in_forward_b0         Input b0 Nifti image with forward phase encoding.
  in_reverse_b0         Input b0 Nifti image with reversed phase encoding.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Topup config file [b02b0.cnf].
  --synb0               If set, will use SyNb0 custom acqparams file.
  --encoding_direction {x,y,z}
                        Acquisition direction of the forward b0 image, default is AP [y].
  --readout READOUT     Total readout time from the DICOM metadata [0.062].
  --out_b0s OUT_B0S     Output fused b0 file [fused_b0s.nii.gz].
  --out_directory OUT_DIRECTORY
                        Output directory for topup files [.].
  --out_prefix OUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix of the topup results [topup_results].
  --out_params OUT_PARAMS
                        Filename for the acquisition parameters file [acqparams.txt].
  --out_script          If set, will output a .sh script (
                        else, will output the lines to the terminal [False].
  --topup_options TOPUP_OPTIONS
                        Additional options you want to use to run topup.
                        Add these options using quotes (i.e. "--fwhm=6 --miter=4").
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.