usage: [-h] --in_dwis IN_DWIS [IN_DWIS ...] --in_bvals IN_BVALS
                   [IN_BVALS ...] --in_bvecs IN_BVECS [IN_BVECS ...]
                   --in_bdeltas {0,1,-0.5,0.5} [{0,1,-0.5,0.5} ...]
                   [--mask MASK] [--tolerance tol] [--skip_b0_check]
                   [--fit_iters FIT_ITERS] [--random_iters RANDOM_ITERS]
                   [--do_weight_bvals] [--do_weight_pa] [--do_multiple_s0]
                   [--op OP] [--fa FA] [--processes NBR]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f] [--not_all] [--md file]
                   [--ufa file] [--mk_i file] [--mk_a file] [--mk_t file]

Script to compute microstructure metrics using the DIVIDE method. In order to
operate, the script needs at leats two different types of b-tensor encodings.
Note that custom encodings are not yet supported, so that only the linear
tensor encoding (LTE, b_delta = 1), the planar tensor encoding
(PTE, b_delta = -0.5), the spherical tensor encoding (STE, b_delta = 0) and
the cigar shape tensor encoding (b_delta = 0.5) are available. Moreover, all
of `--in_dwis`, `--in_bvals`, `--in_bvecs` and `--in_bdeltas` must have the
same number of arguments. Be sure to keep the same order of encodings
throughout all these inputs and to set `--in_bdeltas` accordingly (IMPORTANT).

By default, will output all possible files, using default names. Thus, this
script outputs the results from the DIVIDE fit or direct derivatives:
mean diffusivity (MD), isotropic mean kurtosis (mk_i), anisotropic mean
kurtosis (mk_a), total mean kurtosis (mk_t) and finally micro-FA (uFA).
Specific names can be specified using the
file flags specified in the "File flags" section.

If --not_all is set, only the files specified explicitly by the flags
will be output. The order parameter can also be computed from the uFA and a
precomputed FA, using separate input parameters.

>>> --in_dwis LTE.nii.gz PTE.nii.gz STE.nii.gz
    --in_bvals LTE.bval PTE.bval STE.bval --in_bvecs LTE.bvec PTE.bvec STE.bvec
    --in_bdeltas 1 -0.5 0 --mask mask.nii.gz

IMPORTANT: If the script does not converge to a solution, it is probably due to
noise outside the brain. Thus, it is strongly recommanded to provide a brain
mask with --mask.

Based on Markus Nilsson, Filip Szczepankiewicz, Björn Lampinen, André Ahlgren,
João P. de Almeida Martins, Samo Lasic, Carl-Fredrik Westin,
and Daniel Topgaard. An open-source framework for analysis of multidimensional
diffusion MRI data implemented in MATLAB.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. (26), Paris, France, 2018.


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --in_dwis IN_DWIS [IN_DWIS ...]
                        Path to the input diffusion volume for each b-tensor encoding type.
  --in_bvals IN_BVALS [IN_BVALS ...]
                        Path to the bval file, in FSL format, for each b-tensor encoding type.
  --in_bvecs IN_BVECS [IN_BVECS ...]
                        Path to the bvec file, in FSL format, for each b-tensor encoding type.
  --in_bdeltas {0,1,-0.5,0.5} [{0,1,-0.5,0.5} ...]
                        Value of b_delta for each b-tensor encoding type, in the same order as dwi, bval and bvec inputs.
  --mask MASK           Path to a binary mask. Only the data inside the mask will be used for computations and reconstruction.
  --tolerance tol       The tolerated gap between the b-values to extract and the current b-value.
                        [Default: 20]
                        * Note. We would expect to find at least one b-value in the
                          range [0, tolerance]. To skip this check, use --skip_b0_check.
  --skip_b0_check       By default, we supervise that at least one b0 exists in your data
                        (i.e. b-values below the default --tolerance). Use this option to
                        allow continuing even if the minimum b-value is suspiciously high.
                        Use with care, and only if you understand your data.
  --fit_iters FIT_ITERS
                        The number of time the gamma fit will be done [1]
  --random_iters RANDOM_ITERS
                        The number of iterations for the initial parameters search. [50]
  --do_weight_bvals     If set, does not do a weighting on the bvalues in the gamma fit.
  --do_weight_pa        If set, does not do a powder averaging weighting in the gamma fit.
  --do_multiple_s0      If set, does not take into account multiple baseline signals.
  --processes NBR       Number of sub-processes to start.
                        Default: [1]
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.
  --not_all             If set, only saves the files specified using the file flags. (Default: False)

Order parameter (OP):
  --op OP               Output filename for the order parameter. The OP will not be output if this is not given. Computation of the OP also requires a precomputed FA map (given using --fa).
  --fa FA               Path to a FA map. Needed for calculating the OP.

File flags:
  --md file             Output filename for the MD.
  --ufa file            Output filename for the microscopic FA.
  --mk_i file           Output filename for the isotropic mean kurtosis.
  --mk_a file           Output filename for the anisotropic mean kurtosis.
  --mk_t file           Output filename for the total mean kurtosis.