usage: [-h]
                   [--length LENGTH_MATRIX | --inverse_length LENGTH_MATRIX]
                   [--bundle_volume VOLUME_MATRIX]
                   [--parcel_volume ATLAS LABELS_LIST | --parcel_surface ATLAS LABELS_LIST]
                   [--max_at_one | --sum_to_one | --log_10]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_matrix out_matrix

Normalize a connectivity matrix coming from
3 categories of normalization are available:
-- Edge attributes
 - length: Multiply each edge by the average bundle length.
   Compensate for far away connections when using interface seeding.
   Cannot be used with inverse_length.

 - inverse_length: Divide each edge by the average bundle length.
   Compensate for big connections when using white matter seeding.
   Cannot be used with length.

 - bundle_volume: Divide each edge by the average bundle length.
   Compensate for big connections when using white matter seeding.

-- Node attributes (Mutually exclusive)
 - parcel_volume: Divide each edge by the sum of node volume.
   Compensate for the likelihood of ending in the node.
   Compensate seeding bias when using interface seeding.

 - parcel_surface: Divide each edge by the sum of the node surface.
   Compensate for the likelihood of ending in the node.
   Compensate for seeding bias when using interface seeding.

-- Matrix scaling (Mutually exclusive)
 - max_at_one: Maximum value of the matrix will be set to one.
 - sum_to_one: Ensure the sum of all edges weight is one
 - log_10: Apply a base 10 logarithm to all edges weight

The volume and length matrix should come from the script.

A review of the type of normalization is available in:
Colon-Perez, Luis M., et al. "Dimensionless, scale-invariant, edge weight
metric for the study of complex structural networks." PLOS one 10.7 (2015).

However, the proposed weighting of edge presented in this publication is not


positional arguments:
  in_matrix             Input connectivity matrix. This is typically a streamline_count matrix (.npy).
  out_matrix            Output normalized matrix (.npy).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Edge-wise options:
  --length LENGTH_MATRIX
                        Length matrix used for edge-wise multiplication.
  --inverse_length LENGTH_MATRIX
                        Length matrix used for edge-wise division.
  --bundle_volume VOLUME_MATRIX
                        Volume matrix used for edge-wise division.
  --parcel_volume ATLAS LABELS_LIST
                        Atlas and labels list for edge-wise division.
  --parcel_surface ATLAS LABELS_LIST
                        Atlas and labels list for edge-wise division.

Scaling options:
  --max_at_one          Scale matrix with maximum value at one.
  --sum_to_one          Scale matrix with sum of all elements at one.
  --log_10              Apply a base 10 logarithm to the matrix.