usage: [-h] [--filtering_mask FILTERING_MASK] [--avg_node_wise]
                   [--append_json] [--small_world] [--indent INDENT]
                   [--sort_keys] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_conn_matrix in_length_matrix out_json

Evaluate graph theory measures from connectivity matrices.
A length weighted and a streamline count weighted matrix are required since
some measures require one or the other.

This script evaluates the measures one subject at the time. To generate a
population dictionary (similarly to other scil_connectivity_*.py scripts), use
the --append_json option as well as using the same output filename.
>>> for i in hcp/*/; do ${i}/sc_prob.npy
    ${i}/len_prob.npy hcp_prob.json --append_json --avg_node_wise; done

Some measures output one value per node, the default behavior is to list
them all into a list. To obtain only the average use the
--avg_node_wise option.

The computed connectivity measures are:
centrality, modularity, assortativity, participation, clustering,
nodal_strength, local_efficiency, global_efficiency, density, rich_club,
path_length, edge_count, omega, sigma

For more details about the measures, please refer to

This script is under the GNU GPLv3 license, for more detail please refer to


positional arguments:
  in_conn_matrix        Input connectivity matrix (.npy).
                        Typically a streamline count weighted matrix.
  in_length_matrix      Input length weighted matrix (.npy).
  out_json              Path of the output json.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filtering_mask FILTERING_MASK
                        Binary filtering mask to apply before computing the measures.
  --avg_node_wise       Return a single value for node-wise measures.
  --append_json         If the file already exists, will append to the dictionary.
  --small_world         Compute measure related to small worldness (omega and sigma).
                         This option is much slower.
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Json options:
  --indent INDENT       Indent for json pretty print.
  --sort_keys           Sort keys in output json.

[1] Rubinov, Mikail, and Olaf Sporns. "Complex network measures of brain
    connectivity: uses and interpretations." Neuroimage 52.3 (2010):