usage: [-h] [--never_upsample] [--point_wise_std POINT_WISE_STD]
                   [--tube_radius TUBE_RADIUS] [--gaussian SIGMA]
                   [-e ERROR_RATE] [--keep_invalid_streamlines]
                   [--qbx_thresholds QBX_THRESHOLDS [QBX_THRESHOLDS ...]]
                   [--seed SEED] [--reference REFERENCE]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_tractogram nb_streamlines out_tractogram

Script to resample a tractogram to a set number of streamlines.
Default behavior:
- IF number of requested streamlines is lower than streamline count: DOWNSAMPLE
- IF number of requested streamlines is higher than streamline count: UPSAMPLE
To prevent upsample if not desired use --never_upsample.

Can be useful to build training sets for machine learning algorithms, to
upsample under-represented bundles or downsample over-represented bundles.

Works by either selecting a subset of streamlines or by generating new
streamlines by adding gaussian noise to existing ones.

    Includes smoothing to compensate for the noisiness of new streamlines
    generated by the process.
    Includes the possibility of choosing randomly *per Quickbundle cluster* to
    ensure that all clusters are represented in the final tractogram.

Example usage:
$ input.trk 1000 output.trk --point_wise_std 0.5 --gaussian 5 --keep_invalid_streamlines
$ output.trk --local_coloring --width=0.1

positional arguments:
  in_tractogram         Input tractography file.
  nb_streamlines        Number of streamlines to resample the tractogram to.
  out_tractogram        Output tractography file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --never_upsample      Make sure to never upsample a tractogram.
                        Useful when downsample batch of files using bash.
  --seed SEED           Use a specific random seed for the resampling.
  --reference REFERENCE
                        Reference anatomy for tck/vtk/fib/dpy file
                        support (.nii or .nii.gz).
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Upsampling params:
  --point_wise_std POINT_WISE_STD
                        Noise to add to existing streamlines points to generate new ones [1].
  --tube_radius TUBE_RADIUS
                        Maximum distance to generate streamlines around the original ones [1].
  --gaussian SIGMA      Sigma for smoothing. Use the value of surrounding X,Y,Z points on the streamline to blur the streamlines.
                        A good sigma choice would be around 5.
  -e ERROR_RATE         Maximum compression distance in mm [0.1].
                        Keep invalid newly generated streamlines that may go out of the
                        bounding box.

Downsampling params:
                        If set, downsampling will be done per cluster (computed with
                        Quickbundles) to ensure that at least some streamlines are
                        kept per bundle. Else, random downsampling is performed (default).
  --qbx_thresholds QBX_THRESHOLDS [QBX_THRESHOLDS ...]
                        If you chose option '--downsample_per_cluster', you may set
                        the QBx threshold value(s) here. Default: [40, 30, 20]