usage: [-h] [--mask MASK] [--tolerance tol] [--skip_b0_check]
                   [--min_k MIN_K] [--max_k MAX_K] [--smooth SMOOTH]
                   [--not_all] [--ak file] [--mk file] [--rk file]
                   [--msk file] [--dki_fa file] [--dki_md file]
                   [--dki_ad file] [--dki_rd file] [--dki_residual file]
                   [--msd file] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_dwi in_bval in_bvec

Script to compute the Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) and Mean Signal DKI
(MSDKI) metrics. DKI is a multi-shell diffusion model. The input DWI needs
to be multi-shell, i.e. multi-bvalued.

Since the diffusion kurtosis model involves the estimation of a large number
of parameters and since the non-Gaussian components of the diffusion signal
are more sensitive to artefacts, you should really denoise your DWI volume
before using this DKI script (e.g. Moreover, to
remove biases due to fiber dispersion, fiber crossings and other mesoscopic
properties of the underlying tissue, MSDKI does a powder-average of DWI for all
directions, thus removing the orientational dependencies and creating an
alternative mean kurtosis map.

DKI is also known to be vulnerable to artefacted voxels induced by the
low radial diffusivities of aligned white matter (CC, CST voxels). Since it is
very hard to capture non-Gaussian information due to the low decays in radial
direction, its kurtosis estimates have very low robustness.
Noisy kurtosis estimates tend to be negative and its absolute values can have
order of magnitudes higher than the typical kurtosis values. Consequently,
these negative kurtosis values will heavily propagate to the mean and radial
kurtosis metrics. This is well-reported in [Rafael Henriques MSc thesis 2012,
chapter 3]. Two ways to overcome this issue: i) compute the kurtosis values
from powder-averaged MSDKI, and ii) perform 3D Gaussian smoothing. On
powder-averaged signal decays, you don't have this low diffusivity issue and
your kurtosis estimates have much higher precision (additionally they are
independent to the fODF).

By default, will output all available metrics, using default names. Specific
names can be specified using the metrics flags that are listed in the "Metrics
files flags" section. If --not_all is set, only the metrics specified
explicitly by the flags will be output.

This script directly comes from the DIPY example gallery and references
[1] examples_built/reconst_dki/#example-reconst-dki
[2] examples_built/reconst_msdki/#example-reconst-msdki


positional arguments:
  in_dwi                Path of the input multi-shell DWI dataset.
  in_bval               Path of the b-value file, in FSL format.
  in_bvec               Path of the b-vector file, in FSL format.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mask MASK           Path to a binary mask.
                        Only data inside the mask will be used for computations and reconstruction.
                        [Default: None]
  --tolerance tol       The tolerated gap between the b-values to extract and the current b-value.
                        [Default: 20]
                        * Note. We would expect to find at least one b-value in the
                          range [0, tolerance]. To skip this check, use --skip_b0_check.
  --skip_b0_check       By default, we supervise that at least one b0 exists in your data
                        (i.e. b-values below the default --tolerance). Use this option to
                        allow continuing even if the minimum b-value is suspiciously high.
                        Use with care, and only if you understand your data.
  --min_k MIN_K         Minimum kurtosis value in the output maps
                        (ak, mk, rk). In theory, -3/7 is the min kurtosis
                        limit for regions that consist of water confined
                        to spherical pores (see DIPY example and
                        documentation) [Default: 0.0].
  --max_k MAX_K         Maximum kurtosis value in the output maps
                        (ak, mk, rk). In theory, 10 is the max kurtosis
                        limit for regions that consist of water confined
                        to spherical pores (see DIPY example and
                        documentation) [Default: 3.0].
  --smooth SMOOTH       Smooth input DWI with a 3D Gaussian filter with
                        full-width-half-max (fwhm). Kurtosis fitting is
                        sensitive and outliers occur easily. According to
                        tests on HCP, CB_Brain, Penthera3T, this smoothing
                        is thus turned ON by default with fwhm=2.5.
                        [Default: 2.5].
  --not_all             If set, will only save the metrics explicitly
                        specified using the other metrics flags.
                        [Default: not set].
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Metrics files flags:
  --ak file             Output filename for the axial kurtosis.
  --mk file             Output filename for the mean kurtosis.
  --rk file             Output filename for the radial kurtosis.
  --msk file            Output filename for the mean signal kurtosis.
  --dki_fa file         Output filename for the fractional anisotropy from DKI.
  --dki_md file         Output filename for the mean diffusivity from DKI.
  --dki_ad file         Output filename for the axial diffusivity from DKI.
  --dki_rd file         Output filename for the radial diffusivity from DKI.

Quality control files flags:
  --dki_residual file   Output filename for the map of the residual of the tensor fit.
                        Note. In previous versions, the resulting map was normalized.
                        It is not anymore.
  --msd file            Output filename for the mean signal diffusion (powder-average).