usage: [-h] --in_g1 IN_G1 [IN_G1 ...] --in_g2 IN_G2 [IN_G2 ...]
                   [--tail {left,right,both}] [--paired]
                   [--fdr | --bonferroni] [--p_threshold THRESH OUT_FILE]
                   [--filtering_mask FILTERING_MASK]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]

Performs a network-based statistical comparison for populations g1 and g2. The
output is a matrix of the same size as the input connectivity matrices, with
p-values at each edge.
All input matrices must have the same shape (NxN). For paired t-test, both
groups must have the same number of observations.

For example, if you have streamline count weighted matrices for a MCI and a
control group and you want to investiguate differences in their connectomes:
   >>> pval.npy
           --g1 MCI/*_sc.npy --g2 CTL/*_sc.npy

--filtering_mask will simply multiply the binary mask to all input
matrices before performing the statistical comparison. Reduces the number of
statistical tests, useful when using --fdr or --bonferroni.


positional arguments:
  out_pval_matrix       Output matrix (.npy) containing the edges p-value.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --in_g1 IN_G1 [IN_G1 ...]
                        List of matrices for the first population (.npy).
  --in_g2 IN_G2 [IN_G2 ...]
                        List of matrices for the second population (.npy).
  --tail {left,right,both}
                        Enables specification of an alternative hypothesis:
                        left: mean of g1 < mean of g2,
                        right: mean of g2 < mean of g1,
                        both: both means are not equal (default).
  --paired              Use paired sample t-test instead of population t-test.
                        --in_g1 and --in_g2 must be ordered the same way.
  --fdr                 Perform a false discovery rate (FDR) correction for the p-values.
                        Uses the number of non-zero edges as number of tests (value between 0.01 and 0.1).
  --bonferroni          Perform a Bonferroni correction for the p-values.
                        Uses the number of non-zero edges as number of tests.
  --p_threshold THRESH OUT_FILE
                        Threshold the final p-value matrix and save the binary matrix (.npy).
  --filtering_mask FILTERING_MASK
                        Binary filtering mask (.npy) to apply before computing the measures.
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

[1] Rubinov, Mikail, and Olaf Sporns. "Complex network measures of brain
    connectivity: uses and interpretations." Neuroimage 52.3 (2010):
[2] Zalesky, Andrew, Alex Fornito, and Edward T. Bullmore. "Network-based
    statistic: identifying differences in brain networks." Neuroimage 53.4
    (2010): 1197-1207.