usage: [-h] [--minL MINL] [--maxL MAXL] [-a ANGLE]
                   [--csf_bin CSF_BIN]
                   [--ctx_dilation_radius CTX_DILATION_RADIUS]
                   [--save_intermediate_tractograms] [--save_volumes]
                   [--save_counts] [--save_rejected] [--no_empty]
                   [--indent INDENT] [--sort_keys] [--processes NBR]
                   [--reference REFERENCE] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_tractogram in_wmparc out_path

This script filters streamlines in a tractogram according to their geometrical
properties (i.e. limiting their length and looping angle) and their anatomical
ending properties (i.e. the anatomical tissue or region their endpoints lie
in). The filtering is performed sequentially in four steps, each step
processing the data on the output of the previous step:

    Step 1 - Remove streamlines below the minimum length and above the
             maximum length. These thresholds must be set with the ``--minL``
             and ``--maxL`` options.
    Step 2 - Ensure that no streamlines end in the cerebrospinal fluid
             according to the provided parcellation. A binary mask can be used
             alternatively through the ``--csf_bin`` option.
    Step 3 - Ensure that no streamlines end in white matter by ensuring that
             they reach the cortical regions according to the provided
             parcellation. The cortical regions of the parcellation can be
             dilated using the ``--ctx_dilation_radius``.
    Step 4 - Remove streamlines if they make a loop with an angle above a
             certain threshold. It's possible to change this angle with the
             ``-a`` option.

Length and loop-based filtering (steps 1 and 2) will not have practical effects
if no specific thresholds are provided (but will be still executed), since
default values are 0 for the minimum allowed length and infinite for the
maximum allowed length and angle.

The anatomical region endings filtering requires a parcellation or label image
file including the cerebrospinal fluid and gray matter (cortical) regions
according to the Desikan-Killiany atlas. Intermediate tractograms (results of
each step and outliers) and volumes can be saved throughout the process.

Example usages:

# Filter length, looping angle and anatomical ending region
>>> tractogram.trk wmparc.nii.gz
    path/to/output/directory --minL 20 --maxL 200 -a 300
# Filter only anatomical ending region, with WM dilation and provided csf mask
>>> tractogram.trk wmparc.nii.gz
    path/to/output/directory --csf_bin csf_bin.nii.gz --ctx_dilation_radius 2


positional arguments:
  in_tractogram         Path of the input tractogram file.
  in_wmparc             Path of the white matter parcellation atlas
                        (.nii or .nii.gz)
  out_path              Path to the output files.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --minL MINL           Minimum length of streamlines, in mm. [0.0]
  --maxL MAXL           Maximum length of streamlines, in mm. [inf]
  -a ANGLE              Maximum looping (or turning) angle of
                        a streamline, in degrees. [inf]
  --csf_bin CSF_BIN     Allow CSF endings filtering with this binary
                        mask instead of using the atlas (.nii or .nii.gz)
  --ctx_dilation_radius CTX_DILATION_RADIUS
                        Cortical labels dilation radius, in mm.
                        Save accepted and discarded streamlines
                         after each step.
  --save_volumes        Save volumetric images (e.g. binarised label
                         images, etc) in the filtering process.
  --save_counts         Save the streamline counts to a file (.json)
  --save_rejected       Save rejected streamlines to output tractogram.
  --no_empty            Do not write file if there is no streamlines.
  --processes NBR       Number of sub-processes to start.
                        Default: [1]
  --reference REFERENCE
                        Reference anatomy for tck/vtk/fib/dpy file
                        support (.nii or .nii.gz).
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Json options:
  --indent INDENT       Indent for json pretty print.
  --sort_keys           Sort keys in output json.

        [1] Jörgens, D., Descoteaux, M., Moreno, R., 2021. Challenges for
        tractogram filtering. In: Özarslan, E., Schultz, T., Zhang, E., Fuster,
        A. (Eds.), Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales. Springer. Mathematics
        and Visualization.
        [2] Legarreta, J., Petit, L., Rheault, F., Theaud, G., Lemaire, C.,
        Descoteaux, M., Jodoin, P.M. Filtering in tractography using
        autoencoders (FINTA). Medical Image Analysis. 2021