usage: [-h] [--out_name OUT_NAME] [--only_rigid]
                   [--moving_tractogram_ref MOVING_TRACTOGRAM_REF]
                   [--static_tractogram_ref STATIC_TRACTOGRAM_REF]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   moving_tractogram static_tractogram

Generate a linear transformation matrix from the registration of
2 tractograms. Typically, this script is run before

For more informations on how to use the various registration scripts
see the doc/ readme file


positional arguments:
  moving_tractogram     Path of the moving tractogram.
  static_tractogram     Path of the target tractogram.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out_name OUT_NAME   Filename of the transformation matrix,
                        the registration type will be appended as a suffix,
  --only_rigid          Will only use a rigid transformation, uses affine by default.
  --moving_tractogram_ref MOVING_TRACTOGRAM_REF
                        Reference anatomy for moving_tractogram (if tck/vtk/fib/dpy) file
                        support (.nii or .nii.gz).
  --static_tractogram_ref STATIC_TRACTOGRAM_REF
                        Reference anatomy for static_tractogram (if tck/vtk/fib/dpy) file
                        support (.nii or .nii.gz).
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

[1] E. Garyfallidis, O. Ocegueda, D. Wassermann, M. Descoteaux
Robust and efficient linear registration of white-matter fascicles in the
space of streamlines, NeuroImage, Volume 117, 15 August 2015, Pages 124-140