usage: [-h] [--nbr_dir NBR_DIR] [--nbr_iter NBR_ITER]
                   [--in_peaks IN_PEAKS] [--in_tracking_mask IN_TRACKING_MASK]
                   [--commit2] [--lambda_commit_2 LAMBDA_COMMIT_2]
                   [--ball_stick] [--para_diff PARA_DIFF]
                   [--perp_diff PERP_DIFF [PERP_DIFF ...]]
                   [--iso_diff ISO_DIFF [ISO_DIFF ...]]
                   [--save_kernels DIRECTORY | --load_kernels DIRECTORY]
                   [--compute_only] [--tolerance tol] [--skip_b0_check]
                   [--processes NBR] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_tractogram in_dwi in_bval in_bvec out_dir

Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT)
estimates, globally, how a given tractogram explains the DWI in terms of signal
fit, assuming a certain forward microstructure model. It assigns a weight to
each streamline, which represents how well it explains the DWI signal globally.
The default forward microstructure model is stick-zeppelin-ball, which requires
multi-shell data and a peak file (principal fiber directions in each voxel,
typically from a field of fODFs).

It is possible to use the ball-and-stick model for single-shell and multi-shell
data. In this case, the peak file is not mandatory. Multi-shell should follow a
"NODDI protocol" (low and high b-values), multiple shells with similar b-values
should not be used with COMMIT.

The output from COMMIT is:
- fit_NRMSE.nii.gz
    fiting error (Normalized Root Mean Square Error)
- fit_RMSE.nii.gz
    fiting error (Root Mean Square Error)
- results.pickle
    Dictionary containing the experiment parameters and final weights
- compartment_EC.nii.gz
    (est. Extra-Cellular signal fraction)
- compartment_IC.nii.gz
    (est. Intra-Cellular signal fraction)
- compartment_ISO.nii.gz
    (est. isotropic signal fraction (freewater comportment)):
    Each of COMMIT compartments
- streamline_weights.txt
    Text file containing the commit weights for each streamline of the
    input tractogram.
- streamlines_length.txt
    Text file containing the length (mm) of each streamline.
- streamline_weights_by_length.txt
    Text file containing the commit weights for each streamline of the
    input tractogram, ordered by their length.
- tot_streamline_weights
    Text file containing the total commit weights of each streamline.
    Equal to commit_weights * streamlines_length (W_i * L_i)
- essential.trk / non_essential.trk
    Tractograms containing the streamlines below or equal (essential) and
    above (non_essential) a threshold_weights of 0.
- decompose_commit.h5
    In the case where the input is a hdf5 file only, we will save an output
    hdf5 with the following information separated into each bundle's dps:
    - streamlines_weights
    - streamline_weights_by_length
    For each bundle, only the essential streamlines are kept.

This script can divide the input tractogram in two using a threshold to apply
on the streamlines' weight. The threshold used is 0.0, keeping only streamlines
that have non-zero weight and that contribute to explain the DWI signal.
Streamlines with 0 weight are essentially not necessary according to COMMIT.

COMMIT2 is available only for HDF5 data from and
with the --ball_stick option. Use the --commit2 option to activite it, slightly
longer computation time. This wrapper offers a simplify way to call COMMIT,
but does not allow to use (or fine-tune) every parameter. If you want to use
COMMIT with full access to all parameters,

When tunning parameters, such as --iso_diff, --para_diff, --perp_diff or
--lambda_commit_2 you should evaluate the quality of results by:
    - Looking at the 'density' (GTM) of the connnectome (essential tractogram)
    - Confirm the quality of WM bundles reconstruction (essential tractogram)
    - Inspect the (N)RMSE map and look for peaks or anomalies
    - Compare the density map before and after (essential tractogram)


positional arguments:
  in_tractogram         Input tractogram (.trk or .tck or .h5).
  in_dwi                Diffusion-weighted image used by COMMIT (.nii.gz).
  in_bval               b-values in the FSL format (.bval).
  in_bvec               b-vectors in the FSL format (.bvec).
  out_dir               Output directory for the COMMIT maps.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nbr_dir NBR_DIR     Number of directions, on the half of the sphere,
                        representing the possible orientations of the response functions [500].
  --nbr_iter NBR_ITER   Maximum number of iterations [1000].
  --in_peaks IN_PEAKS   Peaks file representing principal direction(s) locally,
                        typically coming from fODFs. This file is mandatory for the default
                        stick-zeppelin-ball model.
  --in_tracking_mask IN_TRACKING_MASK
                        Binary mask where tratography was allowed.
                        If not set, uses a binary mask computed from the streamlines.
  --tolerance tol       The tolerated gap between the b-values to extract and the current b-value.
                        [Default: 20]
                        * Note. We would expect to find at least one b-value in the
                          range [0, tolerance]. To skip this check, use --skip_b0_check.
  --skip_b0_check       By default, we supervise that at least one b0 exists in your data
                        (i.e. b-values below the default --b0_threshold). Use this option to
                        allow continuing even if the minimum b-value is suspiciously high.
                        If no b-value is found below the threshold, the script will continue
                        with your minimal b-value as new --b0_threshold.
                        Use with care, and only if you understand your data.
  --processes NBR       Number of sub-processes to start.
                        Default: [1]
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

COMMIT2 options:
  --commit2             Run commit2, requires .h5 as input and will force
                        ball&stick model.
  --lambda_commit_2 LAMBDA_COMMIT_2
                        Specify the clustering prior strength [0.001].

Model options:
  --ball_stick          Use the ball&Stick model, disable the zeppelin compartment.
                        Only model suitable for single-shell data.
  --para_diff PARA_DIFF
                        Parallel diffusivity in mm^2/s.
                        Default for both ball_stick and stick_zeppelin_ball: 1.7E-3.
  --perp_diff PERP_DIFF [PERP_DIFF ...]
                        Perpendicular diffusivity in mm^2/s.
                        Default for ball_stick: None
                        Default for stick_zeppelin_ball: [0.51E-3]
  --iso_diff ISO_DIFF [ISO_DIFF ...]
                        Istropic diffusivity in mm^2/s.
                        Default for ball_stick: [2.0E-3]
                        Default for stick_zeppelin_ball: [1.7E-3, 3.0E-3]

Tractogram options:
                        Save a tractogram copy with streamlines weights in the data_per_streamline
  --compute_only        Compute kernels only, --save_kernels must be used.

Kernels options:
  --save_kernels DIRECTORY
                        Output directory for the COMMIT kernels.
  --load_kernels DIRECTORY
                        Input directory where the COMMIT kernels are located.

[1] Daducci, Alessandro, et al. "COMMIT: convex optimization modeling for
    microstructure informed tractography." IEEE transactions on medical
    imaging 34.1 (2014): 246-257.
[2] Schiavi, Simona, et al. "A new method for accurate in vivo mapping of
    human brain connections using microstructural and anatomical information."
    Science advances 6.31 (2020): eaba8245.