usage: [-h] [--algo {det,prob}] [--step STEP_SIZE]
                   [--min_length MIN_LENGTH] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH]
                   [--theta THETA] [--act] [--sfthres SF_THRESHOLD]
                   [--sfthres_init SF_THRESHOLD_INIT]
                   [--sh_basis {descoteaux07,tournier07,descoteaux07_legacy,tournier07_legacy}]
                   [--npv NPV | --nt NT] [--particles PARTICLES]
                   [--back BACK_TRACKING] [--forward FORWARD_TRACKING] [--all]
                   [--seed SEED] [-f] [--save_seeds]
                   [--compress [COMPRESS_TH]] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]]
                   in_sh in_seed in_map_include map_exclude_file

Local streamline HARDI tractography including Particle Filtering tracking.

WARNING: This script DOES NOT support asymetric FODF input (aFODF).

The tracking is done inside partial volume estimation maps and uses the
particle filtering tractography (PFT) algorithm. See to generate PFT required maps.

Streamlines longer than min_length and shorter than max_length are kept.
The tracking direction is chosen in the aperture cone defined by the
previous tracking direction and the angular constraint.
Default parameters as suggested in [1].

Algo 'det': the maxima of the spherical function (SF) the most closely aligned
to the previous direction.
Algo 'prob': a direction drawn from the empirical distribution function defined
from the SF.

For streamline compression, a rule of thumb is to set it to 0.1mm for the
deterministic algorithm and 0.2mm for probabilitic algorithm.

All the input nifti files must be in isotropic resolution.


positional arguments:
  in_sh                 Spherical harmonic file (.nii.gz).
  in_seed               Seeding mask (.nii.gz).
  in_map_include        The probability map (.nii.gz) of ending the
                        streamline and including it in the output (CMC, PFT [1])
  map_exclude_file      The probability map (.nii.gz) of ending the
                        streamline and excluding it in the output (CMC, PFT [1]).
  out_tractogram        Tractogram output file (must be .trk or .tck).

Generic options:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.

Tracking options:
  --algo {det,prob}     Algorithm to use (must be "det" or "prob"). [prob]
  --step STEP_SIZE      Step size in mm. [0.2]
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of a streamline in mm. [10.0]
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximum length of a streamline in mm. [300.0]
  --theta THETA         Maximum angle between 2 steps. ["det"=45, "prob"=20]
  --act                 If set, uses anatomically-constrained tractography (ACT)
                        instead of continuous map criterion (CMC).
  --sfthres SF_THRESHOLD
                        Spherical function relative threshold. [0.1]
  --sfthres_init SF_THRESHOLD_INIT
                        Spherical function relative threshold value for the
                        initial direction. [0.5]
  --sh_basis {descoteaux07,tournier07,descoteaux07_legacy,tournier07_legacy}
                        Spherical harmonics basis used for the SH coefficients.
                        Must be either descoteaux07', 'tournier07',
                        'descoteaux07_legacy' or 'tournier07_legacy' [['descoteaux07_legacy']]:
                            'descoteaux07'       : SH basis from the Descoteaux et al.
                                                   MRM 2007 paper
                            'tournier07'         : SH basis from the new Tournier et al.
                                                   NeuroImage 2019 paper, as in MRtrix 3.
                            'descoteaux07_legacy': SH basis from the legacy Dipy implementation
                                                   of the Descoteaux et al. MRM 2007 paper
                            'tournier07_legacy'  : SH basis from the legacy Tournier et al.
                                                   NeuroImage 2007 paper.

Seeding options:
  When no option is provided, uses --npv 1.

  --npv NPV             Number of seeds per voxel.
  --nt NT               Total number of seeds to use.

PFT options:
  --particles PARTICLES
                        Number of particles to use for PFT. [15]
  --back BACK_TRACKING  Length of PFT back tracking (mm). [2.0]
                        Length of PFT forward tracking (mm). [1.0]

Output options:
  --all                 If set, keeps "excluded" streamlines.
                        NOT RECOMMENDED, except for debugging.
  --seed SEED           Random number generator seed.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.
  --save_seeds          If set, save the seeds used for the tracking
                         in the data_per_streamline property.
  --compress [COMPRESS_TH]
                        If set, compress the resulting streamline. Value is the maximum
                        compression distance in mm.[0.1]

References: [1] Girard, G., Whittingstall K., Deriche, R., and Descoteaux, M. (2014). Towards quantitative connectivity analysis: reducing tractography biases. Neuroimage, 98, 266-278.