usage: [-h] [--mask MASK] [--out_dir OUT_DIR] [--b_thr B_THR]
                   [--para_diff PARA_DIFF] [--iso_diff ISO_DIFF]
                   [--perp_diff_min PERP_DIFF_MIN]
                   [--perp_diff_max PERP_DIFF_MAX] [--lambda1 LAMBDA1]
                   [--lambda2 LAMBDA2]
                   [--save_kernels DIRECTORY | --load_kernels DIRECTORY]
                   [--compute_only] [--mouse] [--processes NBR]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_dwi in_bval in_bvec

Compute Free Water maps [1] using AMICO.
This script supports both single and multi-shell data.


positional arguments:
  in_dwi                DWI file.
  in_bval               b-values filename, in FSL format (.bval).
  in_bvec               b-vectors filename, in FSL format (.bvec).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mask MASK           Brain mask filename.
  --out_dir OUT_DIR     Output directory for the Free Water results. [results]
  --b_thr B_THR         Limit value to consider that a b-value is on an
                        existing shell. Above this limit, the b-value is
                        placed on a new shell. This includes b0s values.
  --mouse               If set, use mouse fitting profile.
  --processes NBR       Number of sub-processes to start. Default: [1]
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided
                        level. Default level is warning, default when using -v
                        is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Model options:
  --para_diff PARA_DIFF
                        Axial diffusivity (AD) in the CC. [0.0015]
  --iso_diff ISO_DIFF   Mean diffusivity (MD) in ventricles. [0.003]
  --perp_diff_min PERP_DIFF_MIN
                        Radial diffusivity (RD) minimum. [0.0001]
  --perp_diff_max PERP_DIFF_MAX
                        Radial diffusivity (RD) maximum. [0.0007]
  --lambda1 LAMBDA1     First regularization parameter. [0.0]
  --lambda2 LAMBDA2     Second regularization parameter. [0.25]

Kernels options:
  --save_kernels DIRECTORY
                        Output directory for the COMMIT kernels.
  --load_kernels DIRECTORY
                        Input directory where the COMMIT kernels are located.
  --compute_only        Compute kernels only, --save_kernels must be used.

    [1] Pasternak 0, Sochen N, Gur Y, Intrator N, Assaf Y.
        Free water elimination and mapping from diffusion mri.
        Magn Reson Med. 62 (3) (2009) 717-730.