usage: [-h] [--labels_list LABELS_LIST]
                   [--reorder_txt REORDER_TXT] [--lookup_table LOOKUP_TABLE]
                   [--name_axis] [--axis_text_size X_SIZE Y_SIZE]
                   [--axis_text_angle X_ANGLE Y_ANGLE] [--colormap COLORMAP]
                   [--display_legend] [--legend_min_max MIN MAX]
                   [--write_values FONT_SIZE DECIMAL] [--histogram FILENAME]
                   [--nb_bins NB_BINS] [--exclude_zeros]
                   [--chord_chart FILENAME]
                   [--percentile_threshold PERCENTILE_THRESHOLD]
                   [--angle_threshold ANGLE_THRESHOLD] [--alpha ALPHA]
                   [--text_size TEXT_SIZE] [--text_distance TEXT_DISTANCE]
                   [--log] [--show_only] [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_matrix out_png

Script to display a connectivity matrix and adjust the desired visualization.
Made to work with and

This script can either display the axis labels as:
- Coordinates (0..N)
- Labels (using --labels_list)
- Names (using --labels_list and --lookup_table)
Examples of labels_list.txt and lookup_table.json can be found in the
freesurfer_flow output (

If the matrix was made from a bigger matrix using, provide the text file(s), using
--labels_list and/or --reorder_txt.

The chord chart is always displaying parting in the order they are defined
(clockwise), the color is attributed in that order following a colormap. The
thickness of the line represent the 'size/intensity', the greater the value is
the thicker the line will be. In order to hide the low values, two options are
- Angle threshold + alpha, any connections with a small angle on the chord
    chart will be slightly transparent to increase the focus on bigger
- Percentile, hide any connections with a value below that percentile

positional arguments:
  in_matrix             Connectivity matrix in numpy (.npy) format.
  out_png               Output filename for the connectivity matrix figure.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log                 Apply a base 10 logarithm to the matrix.
  --show_only           Do not save the figure, simply display it.
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.

Naming options:
  --labels_list LABELS_LIST
                        List saved by the decomposition script,
                        must contain labels rather than coordinates (.txt).
  --reorder_txt REORDER_TXT
                        File with two rows (x/y) listing the ordering (.txt).
  --lookup_table LOOKUP_TABLE
                        Lookup table with the label number as keys and the name as values (.json).

Matplotlib options:
  --name_axis           Use the provided info/files to name axis.
  --axis_text_size X_SIZE Y_SIZE
                        Font size of the X and Y axis labels. [(10, 10)]
  --axis_text_angle X_ANGLE Y_ANGLE
                        Text angle of the X and Y axis labels. [(90, 0)]
  --colormap COLORMAP   Colormap to use for the matrix. [viridis]
  --display_legend      Display the colorbar next to the matrix.
  --legend_min_max MIN MAX
                        Manually define the min/max of the legend.
  --write_values FONT_SIZE DECIMAL
                        Write the values at the center of each node.
                        The font size and the rouding parameters can be adjusted.

Histogram options:
  --histogram FILENAME  Compute and display/save an histogram of weights.
  --nb_bins NB_BINS     Number of bins to use for the histogram.
  --exclude_zeros       Exclude the zeros from the histogram.

Chord chart options:
  --chord_chart FILENAME
                        Compute and display/save a chord chart of weigth.
  --percentile_threshold PERCENTILE_THRESHOLD
                        Discard connections below that percentile.[0]
  --angle_threshold ANGLE_THRESHOLD
                        Angle below that theshold will be transparent.
                        Use --alpha to set opacity. Value typicallybetween 0.1 and 5 degrees. [1]
  --alpha ALPHA         Opacity for the smaller angle on the chord (0-1). [0.9]
  --text_size TEXT_SIZE
                        Size of the font for the parcels name/number [10].
  --text_distance TEXT_DISTANCE
                        Distance from the center so the parcels name/number do not overlap
                        with the diagram [1.1].