usage: [-h] [--step STEP_SIZE] [--min_length m] [--max_length M]
                   [--theta THETA] [--sfthres sf_th]
                   [--sh_basis {descoteaux07,tournier07,descoteaux07_legacy,tournier07_legacy}]
                   [--npv NPV | --nt NT] [--algo {det,prob}]
                   [--sphere {repulsion100,repulsion200,repulsion724,symmetric362,symmetric642,symmetric724}]
                   [--sub_sphere SUB_SPHERE] [--sfthres_init sf_th]
                   [--rk_order K] [--max_invalid_nb_points MAX]
                   [--forward_only] [--sh_interp {nearest,trilinear}]
                   [--mask_interp {nearest,trilinear}] [--keep_last_out_point]
                   [--n_repeats_per_seed N_REPEATS_PER_SEED]
                   [--rng_seed RNG_SEED] [--skip SKIP] [--processes NBR]
                   [--compress [COMPRESS_TH]] [-f] [--save_seeds]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]]
                   in_odf in_seed in_mask out_tractogram

Local streamline HARDI tractography using scilpy-only methods -- no dipy (i.e
no cython). The goal of this is to have a python-only version that can be
modified more easily by our team when testing new algorithms and parameters,
and that can be used as parent classes in sub-projects of our lab such as in

WARNING. MUCH SLOWER THAN We recommand using multi-
processing with option --nb_processes.

Similar to scil_tracking_local:
    The tracking direction is chosen in the aperture cone defined by the
    previous tracking direction and the angular constraint.
    - Algo 'det': the maxima of the spherical function (SF) the most closely
    aligned to the previous direction.
    - Algo 'prob': a direction drawn from the empirical distribution function
    defined from the SF.

Contrary to scil_tracking_local:
    - Algo 'eudx' is not yet available!
    - Input nifti files do not necessarily need to be in isotropic resolution.
    - The script works with asymmetric input ODF.
    - The interpolation for the tracking mask and spherical function can be
      one of 'nearest' or 'trilinear'.
    - Runge-Kutta integration is supported for the step function.

A few notes on Runge-Kutta integration.
    1. Runge-Kutta integration is used to approximate the next tracking
       direction by estimating directions from future tracking steps. This
       works well for deterministic tracking. However, in the context of
       probabilistic tracking, the next tracking directions cannot be estimated
       in advance, because they are picked randomly from a distribution. It is
       therefore recommanded to keep the rk_order to 1 for probabilistic
    2. As a rule of thumb, doubling the rk_order will double the computation
       time in the worst case.

References: [1] Girard, G., Whittingstall K., Deriche, R., and
            Descoteaux, M. (2014). Towards quantitative connectivity analysis:
            reducing tractography biases. Neuroimage, 98, 266-278.


positional arguments:
  in_odf                File containing the orientation diffusion function
                        as spherical harmonics file (.nii.gz). Ex: ODF or fODF.
  in_seed               Seeding mask (.nii.gz).
  in_mask               Tracking mask (.nii.gz).
                        Tracking will stop outside this mask. The last point of each
                        streamline (triggering the stopping criteria) IS added to the streamline.
  out_tractogram        Tractogram output file (must be .trk or .tck).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.

Tracking options:
  --step STEP_SIZE      Step size in mm. [0.5]
  --min_length m        Minimum length of a streamline in mm. [10.0]
  --max_length M        Maximum length of a streamline in mm. [300.0]
  --theta THETA         Maximum angle between 2 steps. If the angle is too big, streamline is
                        stopped and the following point is NOT included.
                        ["eudx"=60, "det"=45, "prob"=20, "ptt"=20]
  --sfthres sf_th       Spherical function relative threshold. [0.1]
  --sh_basis {descoteaux07,tournier07,descoteaux07_legacy,tournier07_legacy}
                        Spherical harmonics basis used for the SH coefficients.
                        Must be either descoteaux07', 'tournier07',
                        'descoteaux07_legacy' or 'tournier07_legacy' [['descoteaux07_legacy']]:
                            'descoteaux07'       : SH basis from the Descoteaux et al.
                                                   MRM 2007 paper
                            'tournier07'         : SH basis from the new Tournier et al.
                                                   NeuroImage 2019 paper, as in MRtrix 3.
                            'descoteaux07_legacy': SH basis from the legacy Dipy implementation
                                                   of the Descoteaux et al. MRM 2007 paper
                            'tournier07_legacy'  : SH basis from the legacy Tournier et al.
                                                   NeuroImage 2007 paper.
  --algo {det,prob}     Algorithm to use. [prob]
  --sphere {repulsion100,repulsion200,repulsion724,symmetric362,symmetric642,symmetric724}
                        Dipy sphere; set of possible directions.
                        Default: [repulsion724]
  --sub_sphere SUB_SPHERE
                        Subdivides each face of the sphere into 4^s new faces. [0]
  --sfthres_init sf_th  Spherical function relative threshold value for the
                        initial direction. [0.5]
  --rk_order K          The order of the Runge-Kutta integration used for the step function.
                        For more information, refer to the note in the script description. [1]
  --max_invalid_nb_points MAX
                        Maximum number of steps without valid direction,
                        ex: if threshold on ODF or max angles are reached.
                        Default: 0, i.e. do not add points following an invalid direction.
  --forward_only        If set, tracks in one direction only (forward) given the
                        initial seed. The direction is randomly drawn from the ODF.
  --sh_interp {nearest,trilinear}
                        Spherical harmonic interpolation: nearest-neighbor
                        or trilinear. [trilinear]
  --mask_interp {nearest,trilinear}
                        Mask interpolation: nearest-neighbor or trilinear. [nearest]
                        If set, keep the last point (once out of the tracking mask) of
                        the streamline. Default: discard them. This is the default  in
                        Dipy too. Note that points obtained after an invalid direction
                        (ex when angle is too sharp or sh_threshold not reached) are
                        never added.
  --n_repeats_per_seed N_REPEATS_PER_SEED
                        By default, each seed position is used only once. This option
                        allows for tracking from the exact same seed n_repeats_per_seed
                        times. [1]

Seeding options:
  When no option is provided, uses --npv 1.

  --npv NPV             Number of seeds per voxel.
  --nt NT               Total number of seeds to use.

Random seeding options:
  --rng_seed RNG_SEED   Initial value for the random number generator. [0]
  --skip SKIP           Skip the first N random number.
                        Useful if you want to create new streamlines to add to
                        a previously created tractogram with a fixed --rng_seed.
                        Ex: If tractogram_1 was created with -nt 1,000,000,
                        you can create tractogram_2 with
                        --skip 1,000,000.

Memory options:
  --processes NBR       Number of sub-processes to start.
                        Default: [1]

Output options:
  --compress [COMPRESS_TH]
                        If set, compress the resulting streamline. Value is the maximum
                        compression distance in mm.
                        A rule of thumb is to set it to 0.1mm for deterministic
                        streamlines and to 0.2mm for probabilitic streamlines.[0.1]
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.
  --save_seeds          If set, save the seeds used for the tracking
                         in the data_per_streamline property.
                        Hint: you can then use scilpy_compute_seed_density_map.