usage: [-h] [--data_type DATA_TYPE] [--exclude_background]
                   [-v [{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING}]] [-f]
                   in_matrices [in_matrices ...] out_matrix

Performs an operation on a list of matrices. The supported operations are
listed below.

Some operations such as multiplication or addition accept float value as
parameters instead of matrices.
> multiplication mat.npy 10 mult_10.npy

    lower_threshold: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above the threshold will be set to one.

    upper_threshold: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to one.
        All values above the threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion.

    lower_threshold_eq: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above or equal the threshold will be set to one.

    upper_threshold_eq: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values below or equal the threshold will be set to one.
        All values above the threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion.

    lower_threshold_otsu: MAT
        All values below or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero.
        All values above the Otsu threshold will be set to one.
        (Otsu's method is an algorithm to perform automatic matrix thresholding
         of the background.)

    upper_threshold_otsu: MAT
        All values below the Otsu threshold will be set to one.
        All values above or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero.
        Equivalent to lower_threshold_otsu followed by an inversion.

    lower_clip: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values below the threshold will be set to threshold.

    upper_clip: MAT THRESHOLD
        All values above the threshold will be set to threshold.

    absolute_value: MAT
        All negative values will become positive.

    round: MAT
        Round all decimal values to the closest integer.

    ceil: MAT
        Ceil all decimal values to the next integer.

    floor: MAT
        Floor all decimal values to the previous integer.

    normalize_sum: MAT
        Normalize the matrix so the sum of all values is one.

    normalize_max: MAT
        Normalize the matrix so the maximum value is one.

    log_10: MAT
        Apply a log (base 10) to all non zeros values of an matrix.

    log_e: MAT
        Apply a natural log to all non zeros values of an matrix.

    convert: MAT
        Perform no operation, but simply change the data type.

    invert: MAT
        Operation on binary matrix to interchange 0s and 1s in a binary mask.

    addition: MATs
        Add multiple matrices together.

    subtraction: MAT_1 MAT_2
        Subtract first matrix by the second (MAT_1 - MAT_2).

    multiplication: MATs
        Multiply multiple matrices together (danger of underflow and overflow)

    division: MAT_1 MAT_2
        Divide first matrix by the second (danger of underflow and overflow)
        Ignore zeros values, excluded from the operation.

    mean: MATs
        Compute the mean of matrices.
        If a single 4D matrix is provided, average along the last dimension.

    std: MATs
        Compute the standard deviation average of multiple matrices.
        If a single 4D matrix is provided, compute the STD along the last

    correlation: MATs
        Computes the correlation of the 3x3x3 neighborhood of each voxel, for
        all pair of input matrices. The final matrix is the average correlation
        (through all pairs).
        For a given pair of matrices
        - Background is considered as 0. May lead to very high correlations
        close to the border of the background regions, or very poor ones if the
        background in both matrices differ.
        - Images are zero-padded. For the same reason as higher, may lead to
        very high correlations if you have data close to the border of the
        - NaN values (if a voxel's neighborhood is entirely uniform; std 0) are
        replaced by
           - 0 if at least one neighborhood was entirely containing background.
           - 1 if the voxel's neighborhoods are uniform in both matrices
           - 0 if the voxel's neighborhoods is uniform in one matrix, but not
           the other.

        UPDATE AS OF VERSION 2.0: Random noise was previously added in the
        process to help avoid NaN values. Now replaced by either 0 or 1 as
        explained above.

    union: MATs
        Operation on binary matrix to keep voxels, that are non-zero, in at
        least one file.

    intersection: MATs
        Operation on binary matrix to keep the voxels, that are non-zero,
        are present in all files.

    difference: MAT_1 MAT_2
        Operation on binary matrix to keep voxels from the first file that are
        not in the second file (non-zeros).

positional arguments:
                        The type of operation to be performed on the matrices.
  in_matrices           The list of matrices files or parameters.
  out_matrix            Output matrix path.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data_type DATA_TYPE
                        Data type of the output image. Use the format: uint8, float16, int32.
  --exclude_background  Does not affect the background of the original matrices.
                        Produces verbose output depending on the provided level.
                        Default level is warning, default when using -v is info.
  -f                    Force overwriting of the output files.