Source code for scilpy.utils.metrics_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from scilpy.tractanalysis.streamlines_metrics import compute_tract_counts_map
from scilpy.utils.filenames import split_name_with_nii

[docs] def compute_lesion_stats(map_data, lesion_atlas, single_label=True, voxel_sizes=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], min_lesion_vol=7, precomputed_lesion_labels=None): """ Returns information related to lesion inside of a binary mask or voxel labels map (bundle, for tractometry). Parameters ------------ map_data : np.ndarray Either a binary mask (uint8) or a voxel labels map (int16). lesion_atlas : np.ndarray (3) Labelled atlas of lesion. Should be int16. single_label : boolean If true, does not add an extra layer for number of labels. voxel_sizes : np.ndarray (3) If not specified, returns voxel count (instead of volume) min_lesion_vol : float Minimum lesion volume in mm3 (default: 7, cross-shape). precomputed_lesion_labels : np.ndarray (N) For connectivity analysis, when the unique lesion labels are known, provided a pre-computed list of labels save computation. Returns --------- lesion_load_dict : dict For each label, volume and lesion count """ voxel_vol = if single_label: labels_list = [1] else: labels_list = np.unique(map_data)[1:].astype(np.int32) section_dict = {'lesion_total_volume': {}, 'lesion_volume': {}, 'lesion_count': {}} for label in labels_list: zlabel = str(label).zfill(3) if not single_label: tmp_mask = np.zeros(map_data.shape, dtype=np.int16) tmp_mask[map_data == label] = 1 tmp_mask *= lesion_atlas else: tmp_mask = lesion_atlas * map_data lesion_vols = [] if precomputed_lesion_labels is None: computed_lesion_labels = np.unique(tmp_mask)[1:] else: computed_lesion_labels = precomputed_lesion_labels for lesion in computed_lesion_labels: curr_vol = np.count_nonzero(tmp_mask[tmp_mask == lesion]) \ * voxel_vol if curr_vol >= min_lesion_vol: lesion_vols.append(curr_vol) if lesion_vols: section_dict['lesion_total_volume'][zlabel] = round( np.sum(lesion_vols), 3) section_dict['lesion_volume'][zlabel] = np.round( lesion_vols, 3).tolist() section_dict['lesion_count'][zlabel] = float(len(lesion_vols)) else: section_dict['lesion_total_volume'][zlabel] = 0.0 section_dict['lesion_volume'][zlabel] = [0.0] section_dict['lesion_count'][zlabel] = 0.0 if single_label: section_dict = {'lesion_total_volume': section_dict['lesion_total_volume']['001'], 'lesion_volume': section_dict['lesion_volume']['001'], 'lesion_count': section_dict['lesion_count']['001']} return section_dict
[docs] def get_bundle_metrics_profiles(sft, metrics_files): """ Returns the profile of each metric along each streamline from a sft. This is used to create tract profiles. Parameters ------------ sft : StatefulTractogram Input bundle under which to compute profile. metrics_files : sequence list of nibabel objects representing the metrics files Returns --------- profiles_values : list list of profiles for each streamline, per metric given """ sft.to_vox() sft.to_corner() streamlines = sft.streamlines def _get_profile_one_streamline(streamline, metrics_files): x_ind = np.floor(streamline[:, 0]).astype(int) y_ind = np.floor(streamline[:, 1]).astype(int) z_ind = np.floor(streamline[:, 2]).astype(int) return list(map(lambda metric_file: metric_file[x_ind, y_ind, z_ind], metrics_files)) # We preload the data to avoid loading it for each streamline metrics_data = list(map(lambda metric_file: metric_file.get_fdata( dtype=np.float64), metrics_files)) # The root list has S elements, where S == the number of streamlines. # Each element from S is a sublist with N elements, where N is the number # of metrics. Each element from N is a list of the metric values # encountered along the current streamline. metrics_per_strl =\ list(map(lambda strl: _get_profile_one_streamline(strl, metrics_data), streamlines)) converted = [] # Here, the zip gives us a list of N tuples, so one tuple for each metric. # Each tuple has S elements, where S is the number of streamlines. # We then convert each tuple to a numpy array for metric_values in zip(*metrics_per_strl): converted.append(np.asarray(metric_values, dtype=float)) return converted
[docs] def weighted_mean_std(weights, data): """ Returns the weighted mean and standard deviation of the data. Parameters ------------ weights : ndarray a ndarray containing the weighting factor data : ndarray the ndarray containing the data for which the stats are desired Returns --------- stats : tuple a tuple containing the mean and standard deviation of the data """ masked_data =, np.logical_or(np.isnan(data), np.isinf(data))) mean =, weights=weights) variance =**2, weights=weights) return mean, np.sqrt(variance)
[docs] def get_bundle_metrics_mean_std(streamlines, metrics_files, distance_values, correlation_values, density_weighting=True): """ Returns the mean value of each metric for the whole bundle, only considering voxels that are crossed by streamlines. The mean values are weighted by the number of streamlines crossing a voxel by default. If false, every voxel traversed by a streamline has the same weight. Parameters ------------ streamlines : list of numpy.ndarray Input streamlines under which to compute stats. metrics_files : sequence list of nibabel objects representing the metrics files density_weighting : bool weigh by the mean by the density of streamlines going through the voxel Returns --------- stats : list list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is the mean of a metric, and the second element is the standard deviation, for each metric. """ # Compute weighting matrix taking the possible compression into account anat_dim = metrics_files[0].header.get_data_shape() weights = compute_tract_counts_map(streamlines, anat_dim).astype(float) if not density_weighting: weights[weights > 0] = 1 if distance_values is not None: weights *= distance_values if correlation_values is not None: weights *= correlation_values return map(lambda metric_file: weighted_mean_std(weights, metric_file.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64)), metrics_files)
[docs] def get_bundle_metrics_mean_std_per_point(streamlines, bundle_name, metrics, labels, distance_values=None, correlation_values=None, density_weighting=False): """ Compute the mean and std PER POiNT of the bundle for every given metric. Parameters ---------- streamlines: list of numpy.ndarray Input streamlines under which to compute stats. bundle_name: str Name of the bundle. Will be used as a key in the dictionary. metrics: sequence list of nibabel objects representing the metrics files labels: np.ndarray List of labels obtained with distance_values: np.ndarray List of distances obtained with correlation_values: np.ndarray List of correlations obtained with density_weighting: bool If true, weight statistics by the number of streamlines passing through each voxel. [False] Returns ------- stats """ # Computing infos on bundle unique_labels = np.unique(labels)[1:] num_digits_labels = 3 if density_weighting: streamline_count = compute_tract_counts_map(streamlines, metrics[0].shape) else: streamline_count = np.ones(metrics[0].shape) streamline_count = streamline_count.astype(np.float64) # Bigger weight near the centroid streamline if isinstance(distance_values, np.ndarray): dist_to_centroid = 1.0 / distance_values dist_to_centroid[np.isinf(dist_to_centroid)] = -1 dist_to_centroid[dist_to_centroid < 0] = np.max(dist_to_centroid) else: dist_to_centroid = 1 # Get stats stats = {bundle_name: {}} for metric in metrics: metric_data = metric.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) current_metric_fname, _ = split_name_with_nii( os.path.basename(metric.get_filename())) stats[bundle_name][current_metric_fname] = {} # Check if NaNs in metrics if np.any(np.isnan(metric_data)): logging.warning('Metric \"{}\" contains some NaN.'.format(metric.get_filename()) + ' Ignoring voxels with NaN.') for i in unique_labels: number_key = '{}'.format(i).zfill(num_digits_labels) label_stats = {} stats[bundle_name][current_metric_fname][number_key] = label_stats label_metric = metric_data[labels == i] if density_weighting: label_weight = streamline_count[labels == i] else: label_weight = np.ones(label_metric.shape) if isinstance(distance_values, np.ndarray): label_weight *= dist_to_centroid[labels == i] if isinstance(correlation_values, np.ndarray): label_weight *= correlation_values[labels == i] if np.sum(label_weight) == 0: logging.warning('Weights sum to zero, can\'t be normalized. ' 'Disabling weighting') label_weight = None # Check if NaNs in metrics label_masked_data =, np.isnan(label_metric)) label_mean = np.average(label_masked_data, weights=label_weight) label_std = np.sqrt(np.average( (label_masked_data - label_mean) ** 2, weights=label_weight)) label_stats['mean'] = float(label_mean) label_stats['std'] = float(label_std) return stats
[docs] def plot_metrics_stats(means, stds, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, figlabel=None, fill_color=None, display_means=False): """ Plots the mean of a metric along n points with the standard deviation. Parameters ---------- means: Numpy 1D (or 2D) array of size n Mean of the metric along n points. stds: Numpy 1D (or 2D) array of size n Standard deviation of the metric along n points. title: string Title of the figure. xlabel: string Label of the X axis. ylabel: string Label of the Y axis (suggestion: the metric name). figlabel: string Label of the figure (only metadata in the figure object returned). fill_color: string Hexadecimal RGB color filling the region between mean ± std. The hexadecimal RGB color should be formatted as #RRGGBB display_means: bool Display the subjects means as semi-transparent line Return ------ The figure object. """'ggplot') fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Set optional information to the figure, if required. if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if figlabel is not None: fig.set_label(figlabel) if means.ndim > 1: mean = np.average(means, axis=1) std = np.average(stds, axis=1) alpha = 0.5 else: mean = np.array(means).ravel() std = np.array(stds).ravel() alpha = 0.9 dim = np.arange(1, len(mean)+1, 1) if len(mean) <= 20: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(dim) ax.set_xlim(0, len(mean)+1) if means.ndim > 1 and display_means: for i in range(means.shape[-1]): ax.plot(dim, means[:, i], color="k", linewidth=1, solid_capstyle='round', alpha=0.1) # Plot the mean line. ax.plot(dim, mean, color="k", linewidth=5, solid_capstyle='round') # Plot the std plt.fill_between(dim, mean - std, mean + std, facecolor=fill_color, alpha=alpha) plt.close(fig) return fig