Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

[docs] def extract_longest_segments_from_profile(strl_indices, atlas_data): """ For one given streamline, find the labels at both ends. Parameters ---------- strl_indices: np.ndarray The indices of all voxels traversed by this streamline. atlas_data: np.ndarray The loaded image containing the labels. Returns ------- segments_info: list[dict] A list of length 1 with the information dict if , else, an empty list. """ # toDo. background/wm is defined as label 0 in segmenting func, but should # be asked to user. start_label = None end_label = None start_idx = None end_idx = None nb_underlying_voxels = len(strl_indices) # Find the starting point. # Advancing if we start in a non-interesting position (label 0, background # or WM). Start_label will be the first GM region encountered # (corresponding to a label). current_vox = 0 while start_label is None and current_vox < nb_underlying_voxels: if atlas_data[tuple(strl_indices[current_vox])] > 0: start_label = atlas_data[tuple(strl_indices[current_vox])] start_idx = current_vox current_vox += 1 if start_label is None: return [] # Continuing to advance along the streamline. If we do not find a label 0 # somewhere (WM), this is a weird streamline never leaving GM. Returning [] found_wm = False while not found_wm and current_vox < nb_underlying_voxels: if atlas_data[tuple(strl_indices[current_vox])] == 0: found_wm = True current_vox += 1 if current_vox >= nb_underlying_voxels or not found_wm: return [] # Find the ending point. As before, moving back as long as we are in a non- # interesting position. current_vox = nb_underlying_voxels - 1 while end_label is None and current_vox > start_idx: if atlas_data[tuple(strl_indices[current_vox])] > 0: end_label = atlas_data[tuple(strl_indices[current_vox])] end_idx = current_vox current_vox -= 1 if end_label is None or end_idx <= start_idx + 1: return [] return [{'start_label': start_label, 'start_index': start_idx, 'end_label': end_label, 'end_index': end_idx}]
[docs] def compute_connectivity(indices, atlas_data, real_labels, segmenting_func): """ Parameters ---------- indices: ArraySequence The list of 3D indices [i, j, k] of all voxels traversed by all streamlines. This is the output of our uncompress function. atlas_data: np.ndarray The loaded image containing the labels. real_labels: list The list of labels of interest in the image. segmenting_func: Callable The function used for segmentation. Returns ------- connectivity: dict A dict containing one key per real_labels (ex, 1, 2) (starting point). - The value of connectivity[1] is again a dict with again the real_labels as keys. - The value of connectivity[1][2] is a list of length n, where n is the number of streamlines ending in 1 and finishing in 2. Each value is a dict of the following shape: >>> 'strl_idx': int --> The idex of the streamline in the raw data. >>> 'in_idx: int --> >>> 'out_idx': int --> """ connectivity = {k: {lab: [] for lab in real_labels} for k in real_labels} # toDo. real_labels is not used in segmenting func! for strl_idx, strl_vox_indices in enumerate(indices): # Managing streamlines out of bound. if (np.array(strl_vox_indices) > atlas_data.shape).any(): continue # Finding start_label and end_label. segments_info = segmenting_func(strl_vox_indices, atlas_data) for si in segments_info: connectivity[si['start_label']][si['end_label']].append( {'strl_idx': strl_idx, 'in_idx': si['start_index'], 'out_idx': si['end_index']}) return connectivity