Source code for scilpy.tractanalysis.todi_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.sparse import bsr_matrix

def _subdivide_streamline(streamline, n_steps):
    if n_steps < 2:
        return streamline

    dirs = streamline[1:] - streamline[:-1]
    subdivided = np.zeros((n_steps * (len(streamline) - 1) + 1, 3))
    subdivided[::n_steps] = streamline
    for s in range(1, n_steps):
        subdivided[s::n_steps] = streamline[:-1] + s / n_steps * dirs

    return subdivided

[docs] def streamlines_to_segments(streamlines, n_steps=1): """Split streamlines into its segments. Parameters ---------- streamlines : list of numpy.ndarray List of streamlines. Returns ------- segments : numpy.ndarray (2D) Segments array representation with the first and last points. """ vts_0_list = [] vts_1_list = [] for streamline in streamlines: streamline = _subdivide_streamline(streamline, n_steps) vts_0_list.append(streamline[:-1]) vts_1_list.append(streamline[1:]) segments = np.stack((np.vstack(vts_0_list), np.vstack(vts_1_list)), axis=0) return segments
[docs] def streamlines_to_endpoints(streamlines): """Equivalent to streamlines resampling to 2 points (first and last). Parameters ---------- streamlines : list of numpy.ndarray List of streamlines. Returns ------- endpoints : numpy.ndarray (2D) Endpoint array representation with the first and last points. """ endpoints = np.zeros((2, len(streamlines), 3)) for i, streamline in enumerate(streamlines): endpoints[0, i] = streamline[0] endpoints[1, i] = streamline[-1] return endpoints
[docs] def streamlines_to_pts_dir_norm(streamlines, n_steps=1, asymmetric=False): """Evaluate each segment: mid position, direction, length. Parameters ---------- streamlines : list of numpy.ndarray List of streamlines. Returns ------- seg_mid : numpy.ndarray (2D) Mid position (x,y,z) of all streamlines' segments. seg_dir : numpy.ndarray (2D) Direction (x,y,z) of all streamlines' segments. seg_norm : numpy.ndarray (2D) Length of all streamlines' segments. """ segments = streamlines_to_segments(streamlines, n_steps) seg_mid = get_segments_mid_pts_positions(segments) seg_dir, seg_norm = get_segments_dir_and_norm(segments, seg_mid, asymmetric) mask = seg_norm > 1.0e-20 if ~mask.any(): logging.warning("WARNING : There is at least one streamline with " "overlapping points in the tractogram.") return seg_mid[mask], seg_dir[mask], seg_norm[mask]
[docs] def get_segments_mid_pts_positions(segments): return 0.5 * (segments[0] + segments[1])
[docs] def get_segments_vectors(segments): return segments[1] - segments[0]
[docs] def get_segments_dir_and_norm(segments, seg_mid=None, asymmetric=False): if asymmetric: seg_vecs = get_segments_vectors(segments) return get_vectors_dir_and_norm_rel_to_center(seg_vecs, seg_mid) return get_vectors_dir_and_norm(get_segments_vectors(segments))
[docs] def get_vectors_dir_and_norm(vectors): vectors_norm = compute_vectors_norm(vectors) vectors_dir = vectors / vectors_norm.reshape((-1, 1)) return vectors_dir, vectors_norm
[docs] def get_vectors_dir_and_norm_rel_to_center(vectors, seg_mid_pts): """ Evaluates vectors direction and norm by taking into account the orientation and position of segments in relation to the center of voxel """ vectors_norm = compute_vectors_norm(vectors) vectors_dir = vectors / vectors_norm.reshape((-1, 1)) # we create an array of voxel centers for each of our points vox_centers = seg_mid_pts.astype(int) + 0.5 # directions to center of voxel for each segment dir_to_center = (vox_centers - seg_mid_pts).flatten() r, c = (vectors_dir.shape[0], 3 * vectors_dir.shape[0]) rows = np.arange(r).repeat(3) cols = np.arange(c) dir_to_center_mat = bsr_matrix((dir_to_center, (rows, cols)), shape=(r, c)) # compute dot product between direction of vectors and direction to center dots =, 1)) # when dot is greater that 0, the vector goes toward the center # of the voxel we flip the direction of such vectors vectors_dir_rel = np.where(dots > 0, -vectors_dir, vectors_dir) return vectors_dir_rel, vectors_norm
[docs] def psf_from_sphere(sphere_vertices): return np.abs(, sphere_vertices.T))
# Mask functions
[docs] def generate_mask_indices_1d(nb_voxel, indices_1d): mask_1d = np.zeros(nb_voxel, dtype=bool) mask_1d[indices_1d] = True return mask_1d
[docs] def get_indices_1d(volume_shape, pts): return np.ravel_multi_index(pts.T.astype(int), volume_shape)
[docs] def get_dir_to_sphere_id(vectors, sphere_vertices): """Find the closest vector on the sphere vertices using a cKDT tree sphere_vertices must be normed (or all with equal norm). Parameters ---------- vectors : numpy.ndarray (2D) Vectors representing the direction (x,y,z) of segments. sphere_vertices : numpy.ndarray (2D) Vertices of a Dipy sphere object. Returns ------- dir_sphere_id : numpy.ndarray (1D) Sphere indices of the closest sphere direction for each vector """ sphere_kdtree = cKDTree(sphere_vertices) _, dir_sphere_id = sphere_kdtree.query(vectors, k=1, workers=-1) return dir_sphere_id
# Generic Functions (vector norm)
[docs] def compute_vectors_norm(vectors): return norm(vectors, ord=2, axis=-1)
[docs] def normalize_vectors(vectors): return p_normalize_vectors(vectors, 2)
[docs] def p_normalize_vectors(vectors, p): return vectors / norm(vectors, ord=p, axis=-1, keepdims=True)