Source code for scilpy.surfaces.surface_operations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
import trimeshpy.vtk_util as vtk_u

[docs] def apply_transform(mesh, ants_affine, ants_warp=None): """ Apply transformation to a surface - Apply linear transformation with affine - Apply non linear transformation with ants_warp Parameters ---------- mesh: trimeshpy - Triangle Mesh VTK class Moving surface ants_affine: numpy.ndarray Transformation matrix to be applied ants_warp: nib.Nifti1Image Warp image from ANTs Returns ------- mesh: trimeshpy - Triangle Mesh VTK class Surface moved """ # Affine transformation inv_affine = np.linalg.inv(ants_affine) # Transform mesh vertices mesh.set_vertices(mesh.vertices_affine(inv_affine)) # Flip triangle face, if needed if mesh.is_transformation_flip(inv_affine): mesh.set_triangles(mesh.triangles_face_flip()) if ants_warp is not None: warp_img = np.squeeze(ants_warp.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32)) # Get vertices translation in voxel space, from the warp image vts_vox = vtk_u.vtk_to_vox(mesh.get_vertices(), warp_img) tx = map_coordinates(warp_img[..., 0], vts_vox.T, order=1) ty = map_coordinates(warp_img[..., 1], vts_vox.T, order=1) tz = map_coordinates(warp_img[..., 2], vts_vox.T, order=1) # Apply vertices translation in world coordinates mesh.set_vertices(mesh.get_vertices() + np.array([tx, ty, tz]).T) return mesh
[docs] def flip(mesh, axes): """ Apply flip to a surface Parameters ---------- mesh: trimeshpy - Triangle Mesh VTK class Moving surface axes: list Axes (or normal orientation) you want to flip Returns ------- mesh: trimeshpy - Triangle Mesh VTK class Surface flipped """ # Flip axes flip = (-1 if 'x' in axes else 1, -1 if 'y' in axes else 1, -1 if 'z' in axes else 1) tris, vts = mesh.flip_triangle_and_vertices(flip) mesh.set_vertices(vts) mesh.set_triangles(tris) # Reverse surface orientation if 'n' in axes: tris = mesh.triangles_face_flip() mesh.set_triangles(tris) return mesh