Source code for scilpy.segment.voting_scheme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import product, repeat
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
from time import time
import warnings

from import load_tractogram, save_tractogram
from dipy.segment.clustering import qbx_and_merge
from dipy.tracking.streamline import transform_streamlines
import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.streamlines.array_sequence import ArraySequence
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix

from import streamlines_to_memmap
from scilpy.segment.recobundlesx import RecobundlesX

[docs] class VotingScheme(object): def __init__(self, config, atlas_directory, transformation, output_directory, minimal_vote_ratio=0.5): """ Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary containing information relative to bundle recognition. atlas_directory : list List of all directories to be used as atlas by RBx. Must contain all bundles as declared in the config file. transformation : numpy.ndarray Transformation (4x4) bringing the models into subject space. output_directory : str Directory name where all files will be saved. minimal_vote_ratio : float Value for the vote ratio for a streamline to be considered. (0 < minimal_vote_ratio < 1) multi_parameters : int Number of runs RBx will performed. Enough parameter choices must be provided. """ self.config = config self.minimal_vote_ratio = minimal_vote_ratio # Scripts parameters if isinstance(atlas_directory, list): self.atlas_dir = atlas_directory else: self.atlas_dir = [atlas_directory] self.transformation = transformation self.output_directory = output_directory def _load_bundles_dictionary(self): """ Using all bundles in the configuration file and the input models folders, generate all model filepaths. Bundles must exist across all folders. """ bundle_names = [] bundles_filepath = [] # Generate all input files based on the config file and model directory for key in self.config.keys(): bundle_names.append(key) all_atlas_models = product(self.atlas_dir, [key]) tmp_list = [os.path.join(tag, bundle) for tag, bundle in all_atlas_models] bundles_filepath.append(tmp_list)'{0} sub-model directory were found each ' 'with {1} model bundles'.format( len(self.atlas_dir), len(bundle_names))) model_bundles_dict = {} bundle_counts = [] for i, basename in enumerate(bundle_names): count = 0 for j, filename in enumerate(bundles_filepath[i]): if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue count += 1 streamlines = nib.streamlines.load(filename).streamlines bundle = transform_streamlines(streamlines, self.transformation) model_bundles_dict[filename] = (self.config[basename], bundle) bundle_counts.append(count) if sum(bundle_counts) == 0: raise IOError("No model bundles found, check input directory.") return model_bundles_dict, bundle_names, bundle_counts def _find_max_in_sparse_matrix(self, bundle_id, min_vote, bundles_wise_vote): """ Will find the maximum values of a specific row (bundle_id), make sure they are the maximum values across bundles (argmax) and above the min_vote threshold. Return the indices respecting all three conditions. :param bundle_id, int, indices of the bundles in the lil_matrix. :param min_vote, int, minimum value for considering (voting). :param bundles_wise_vote, lil_matrix, bundles-wise sparse matrix use for voting. """ if min_vote == 0: streamlines_ids = np.asarray([], dtype=np.uint32) # vote_score = np.asarray([], dtype=np.uint32) return streamlines_ids # , vote_score streamlines_ids = np.argwhere(bundles_wise_vote[bundle_id] >= min_vote) streamlines_ids = np.asarray(streamlines_ids[:, 1], dtype=np.uint32) # vote_score = bundles_wise_vote.T[streamlines_ids].tocsr()[:, bundle_id] # vote_score = np.squeeze(vote_score.toarray().astype(np.uint32).T) return streamlines_ids # , vote_score def _save_recognized_bundles(self, sft, bundle_names, bundles_wise_vote, minimum_vote, extension): """ Will save multiple TRK/TCK file and results.json (contains indices) Parameters ---------- sft : TODO bundle_names : list Bundle names as defined in the configuration file. Will save the bundle using that filename and the extension. bundles_wise_vote : lil_matrix Array of zeros of shape (nbr_bundles x nbr_streamlines). minimum_vote : np.ndarray Value for the vote ratio for a streamline to be considered. (0 < minimal_vote < 1) extension : str Extension for file saving (TRK or TCK). """ results_dict = {} for bundle_id in range(len(bundle_names)): streamlines_id = self._find_max_in_sparse_matrix( bundle_id, minimum_vote[bundle_id], bundles_wise_vote) if not streamlines_id.size: logging.error('{0} final recognition got {1} streamlines'.format( bundle_names[bundle_id], len(streamlines_id))) continue else:'{0} final recognition got {1} streamlines'.format( bundle_names[bundle_id], len(streamlines_id))) # All models of the same bundle have the same basename basename = os.path.join(self.output_directory, os.path.splitext(bundle_names[bundle_id])[0]) new_sft = sft[streamlines_id.T] new_sft.remove_invalid_streamlines() save_tractogram(new_sft, basename + extension) curr_results_dict = {} curr_results_dict['indices'] = streamlines_id.tolist() results_dict[basename] = curr_results_dict out_logfile = os.path.join(self.output_directory, 'results.json') with open(out_logfile, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(results_dict, outfile) def __call__(self, input_tractograms_path, nbr_processes=1, seed=None, reference=None): """ Entry point function that generate the 'stack' of commands for dispatching and launch them using multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- input_tractograms_path : str Filepath of the whole brain tractogram to segment. nbr_processes : int Number of processes used for the parallel bundle recognition. seed : int Seed for the RandomState. """ # Load the subject tractogram load_timer = time() concat_sft = None reference = 'same' if reference is None else reference for tractogram_path in input_tractograms_path: sft = load_tractogram(tractogram_path, reference, bbox_valid_check=False) if concat_sft is None: concat_sft = sft else: concat_sft = concat_sft + sft wb_streamlines = concat_sft.streamlines len_wb_streamlines = len(wb_streamlines) logging.debug('Tractogram {0} with {1} streamlines ' 'is loaded in {2} seconds'.format(input_tractograms_path, len_wb_streamlines, round(time() - load_timer, 2))) total_timer = time() # Each type of bundle is processed separately model_bundles_dict, bundle_names, bundle_count = \ self._load_bundles_dictionary() thresholds = [45, 35, 25, 12] rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) cluster_timer = time() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as _: cluster_map = qbx_and_merge(wb_streamlines, thresholds, nb_pts=12, rng=rng, verbose=False) clusters_indices = [] for cluster in cluster_map.clusters: clusters_indices.append(cluster.indices) centroids = ArraySequence(cluster_map.centroids) clusters_indices = ArraySequence(clusters_indices) clusters_indices._data = clusters_indices._data.astype(np.uint32)'QBx with seed {0} at 12mm took {1}sec. gave ' '{2} centroids'.format(seed, round(time() - cluster_timer, 2), len(cluster_map.centroids))) concat_sft.streamlines._data = concat_sft.streamlines._data.astype( 'float16') tmp_dir, tmp_memmap_filenames = streamlines_to_memmap(wb_streamlines, 'float16') rbx = RecobundlesX(tmp_memmap_filenames, clusters_indices, centroids) # Update all RecobundlesX initialisation into a single dictionnary pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nbr_processes) all_recognized_dict =, zip(repeat(rbx), model_bundles_dict.keys(), model_bundles_dict.values(), repeat(bundle_names), repeat([seed]))) pool.close() pool.join() tmp_dir.cleanup()'RBx took {0} sec. for {1} bundles from {2} atlas'.format( round(time() - total_timer, 2), len(bundle_names), len(self.atlas_dir))) save_timer = time() bundles_wise_vote = lil_matrix((len(bundle_names), len_wb_streamlines), dtype=np.uint8) for bundle_id, recognized_indices in all_recognized_dict: if recognized_indices is not None: tmp_values = bundles_wise_vote[bundle_id, recognized_indices.T] bundles_wise_vote[bundle_id, recognized_indices.T] = tmp_values.toarray() + 1 bundles_wise_vote = bundles_wise_vote.tocsr() # Once everything was run, save the results using a voting system minimum_vote = np.array(bundle_count) * self.minimal_vote_ratio minimum_vote[np.logical_and(minimum_vote > 0, minimum_vote < 1)] = 1 minimum_vote = minimum_vote.astype(np.uint8) _, ext = os.path.splitext(input_tractograms_path[0]) self._save_recognized_bundles(concat_sft, bundle_names, bundles_wise_vote, minimum_vote, ext)'Saving of {0} files in {1} took {2} sec.'.format( len(bundle_names), self.output_directory, round(time() - save_timer, 2)))
[docs] def single_recognize(args): """ Wrapper function to multiprocess recobundles execution. Parameters ---------- rbx : Object Initialize RBx object with QBx ClusterMap as values model_filepath : str Path to the model bundle file params : tuple bundle_pruning_thr : float Threshold for pruning the model bundle streamlines: ArraySequence Streamlines of the model bundle bundle_names : list List of string with bundle names for models (to get bundle_id) seed : int Value to initialize the RandomState of numpy Returns ------- transf_neighbor : tuple bundle_id : (int) Unique value to each bundle to identify them. recognized_indices : (numpy.ndarray) Streamlines indices from the original tractogram. """ rbx = args[0] model_filepath = args[1] bundle_pruning_thr = args[2][0] model_bundle = args[2][1] bundle_names = args[3] np.random.seed(args[4][0]) # Use for logging and finding the bundle_id shorter_tag, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model_filepath)) # Now hardcoded (not useful with FSS from Etienne) mct = 8 slr_transform_type = 'similarity' recognize_timer = time() recognized_indices = rbx.recognize(model_bundle, model_clust_thr=mct, pruning_thr=bundle_pruning_thr, slr_transform_type=slr_transform_type, identifier=shorter_tag)'Model {0} recognized {1} streamlines'.format( shorter_tag, len(recognized_indices))) logging.debug('Model {0} with parameters tct=12, mct=8, bpt={1} ' 'took {2} sec.'.format(model_filepath, bundle_pruning_thr, round(time() - recognize_timer, 2))) if recognized_indices is None: recognized_indices = [] bundle_id = bundle_names.index(shorter_tag+ext) return bundle_id, np.asarray(recognized_indices, dtype=int)