Source code for scilpy.segment.streamlines

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools

from import StatefulTractogram
from dipy.tracking.metrics import length
from dipy.tracking.streamline import set_number_of_points
from dipy.tracking.vox2track import _streamlines_in_mask
from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
from scipy.ndimage import (map_coordinates, generate_binary_structure,

import numpy as np

from scilpy.tractanalysis.streamlines_metrics import compute_tract_counts_map

[docs] def streamlines_in_mask(sft, target_mask, all_in=False): """ Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. target_mask : numpy.ndarray Binary mask in which the streamlines should pass. Returns ------- ids : list Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ sft.to_vox() sft.to_corner() # Copy-Paste from Dipy to get indices if all_in: target_mask = np.array(target_mask, dtype=bool, copy=True) target_mask = np.invert(target_mask) tractogram_mask = compute_tract_counts_map(sft.streamlines, target_mask.shape) tractogram_mask[tractogram_mask > 0] = 1 tmp_mask = tractogram_mask.astype( np.uint8)*target_mask.astype(np.uint8) streamlines_case = _streamlines_in_mask(list(sft.streamlines), tmp_mask, np.eye(3), [0, 0, 0]) return np.where(streamlines_case == [0, 1][False])[0].tolist() else: target_mask = np.array(target_mask, dtype=np.uint8, copy=True) streamlines_case = _streamlines_in_mask(list(sft.streamlines), target_mask, np.eye(3), [0, 0, 0]) return np.where(streamlines_case == [0, 1][True])[0].tolist()
[docs] def filter_grid_roi_both(sft, mask_1, mask_2): """ Filters streamlines with one end in a mask and the other in another mask. Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. mask_1: numpy.ndarray Binary mask in which the streamlines should start or end. mask_2: numpy.ndarray Binary mask in which the streamlines should start or end. Returns ------- new_sft: StatefulTractogram Filtered sft. ids: list Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ sft.to_vox() sft.to_corner() streamline_vox = sft.streamlines # For endpoint filtering, we need to keep 2 separately # Could be faster for either end, but the code look cleaner like this voxel_beg = np.asarray([s[0] for s in streamline_vox], dtype=np.int16).transpose(1, 0) voxel_end = np.asarray([s[-1] for s in streamline_vox], dtype=np.int16).transpose(1, 0) map1_beg = map_coordinates(mask_1, voxel_beg, order=0, mode='nearest') map2_beg = map_coordinates(mask_2, voxel_beg, order=0, mode='nearest') map1_end = map_coordinates(mask_1, voxel_end, order=0, mode='nearest') map2_end = map_coordinates(mask_2, voxel_end, order=0, mode='nearest') line_based_indices = np.logical_or( np.logical_and(map1_beg, map2_end), np.logical_and(map1_end, map2_beg)) line_based_indices = \ np.arange(len(line_based_indices))[line_based_indices].astype(np.int32) # From indices to sft streamlines = sft.streamlines[line_based_indices] data_per_streamline = sft.data_per_streamline[line_based_indices] data_per_point = sft.data_per_point[line_based_indices] new_sft = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( streamlines, sft, data_per_streamline=data_per_streamline, data_per_point=data_per_point) return new_sft, line_based_indices
[docs] def filter_grid_roi(sft, mask, filter_type, is_exclude, filter_distance=0): """ Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. mask : numpy.ndarray Binary mask in which the streamlines should pass. filter_type: str One of the 4 following choices, 'any', 'all', 'either_end', 'both_ends'. is_exclude: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is an AND (false) or a NOT (true). Returns ------- new_sft: StatefulTractogram Filtered sft. ids: list Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ if filter_distance != 0: bin_struct = generate_binary_structure(3, 2) mask = binary_dilation(mask, bin_struct, iterations=filter_distance) line_based_indices = [] if filter_type in ['any', 'all']: line_based_indices = streamlines_in_mask(sft, mask, all_in=filter_type == 'all') else: sft.to_vox() sft.to_corner() streamline_vox = sft.streamlines # For endpoint filtering, we need to keep 2 separately # Could be faster for either end, but the code look cleaner like this line_based_indices_1 = [] line_based_indices_2 = [] for i, line_vox in enumerate(streamline_vox): voxel_1 = line_vox[0].astype(np.int16)[:, None] voxel_2 = line_vox[-1].astype(np.int16)[:, None] if map_coordinates(mask, voxel_1, order=0, mode='nearest'): line_based_indices_1.append(i) if map_coordinates(mask, voxel_2, order=0, mode='nearest'): line_based_indices_2.append(i) # Both endpoints need to be in the mask (AND) if filter_type == 'both_ends': line_based_indices = np.intersect1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # Only one endpoint need to be in the mask (OR) elif filter_type == 'either_end': line_based_indices = np.union1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # If the 'exclude' option is used, the selection is inverted if is_exclude: line_based_indices = np.setdiff1d(range(len(sft)), np.unique(line_based_indices)) line_based_indices = np.asarray(line_based_indices, dtype=np.int32) # From indices to sft streamlines = sft.streamlines[line_based_indices] data_per_streamline = sft.data_per_streamline[line_based_indices] data_per_point = sft.data_per_point[line_based_indices] new_sft = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( streamlines, sft, data_per_streamline=data_per_streamline, data_per_point=data_per_point) return new_sft, line_based_indices
[docs] def pre_filtering_for_geometrical_shape(sft, size, center, filter_type, is_in_vox): """ Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. size : numpy.ndarray (3) Size in mm, x/y/z of the ROI. center: numpy.ndarray (3) Center x/y/z of the ROI. filter_type: str One of the 3 following choices, 'any', 'all', 'either_end', 'both_ends'. is_in_vox: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is in voxel space. Returns ------- ids : tuple Filtered sft. Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ transfo, dim, _, _ = sft.space_attributes inv_transfo = np.linalg.inv(transfo) # Create relevant info about the ellipsoid in vox/world space if is_in_vox: center = np.asarray(apply_affine(transfo, center), dtype=float) bottom_corner = center - size top_corner = center + size x_val = [bottom_corner[0], top_corner[0]] y_val = [bottom_corner[1], top_corner[1]] z_val = [bottom_corner[2], top_corner[2]] corner_world = list(itertools.product(x_val, y_val, z_val)) corner_vox = apply_affine(inv_transfo, corner_world) # Since the filtering using a grid is so fast, we pre-filter # using a BB around the ellipsoid min_corner = np.min(corner_vox, axis=0) - 1.0 max_corner = np.max(corner_vox, axis=0) + 1.5 pre_mask = np.zeros(dim) min_x, max_x = int(max(min_corner[0], 0)), int(min(max_corner[0], dim[0])) min_y, max_y = int(max(min_corner[1], 0)), int(min(max_corner[1], dim[1])) min_z, max_z = int(max(min_corner[2], 0)), int(min(max_corner[2], dim[2])) pre_mask[min_x:max_x, min_y:max_y, min_z:max_z] = 1 return filter_grid_roi(sft, pre_mask, filter_type, False)
[docs] def filter_ellipsoid(sft, ellipsoid_radius, ellipsoid_center, filter_type, is_exclude, is_in_vox=False): """ Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. ellipsoid_radius : numpy.ndarray (3) Size in mm, x/y/z of the ellipsoid. ellipsoid_center: numpy.ndarray (3) Center x/y/z of the ellipsoid. filter_type: str One of the 3 following choices, 'any', 'all', 'either_end', 'both_ends'. is_exclude: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is an AND (false) or a NOT (true). is_in_vox: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is in voxel space. Returns ------- ids : tuple Filtered sft. Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ pre_filtered_sft, pre_filtered_indices = \ pre_filtering_for_geometrical_shape(sft, ellipsoid_radius, ellipsoid_center, filter_type, is_in_vox) pre_filtered_sft.to_rasmm() pre_filtered_sft.to_center() pre_filtered_streamlines = pre_filtered_sft.streamlines transfo, _, res, _ = sft.space_attributes if is_in_vox: ellipsoid_center = np.asarray(apply_affine(transfo, ellipsoid_center), dtype=float) selected_by_ellipsoid = [] line_based_indices_1 = [] line_based_indices_2 = [] # This is still point based (but resampled), I had a ton of problems trying # to use something with intersection, but even if I could do it : # The result won't be identical to MI-Brain since I am not using the # vtkPolydata. Also it won't be identical to TrackVis either, # because TrackVis is point-based for Spherical ROI... ellipsoid_radius = np.asarray(ellipsoid_radius, dtype=float) ellipsoid_center = np.asarray(ellipsoid_center, dtype=float) for i, line in enumerate(pre_filtered_streamlines): if filter_type in ['any', 'all']: # Resample to 1/10 of the voxel size nb_points = max(int(length(line) / np.average(res) * 10), 2) line = set_number_of_points(line, nb_points) points_in_ellipsoid = np.sum( ((line - ellipsoid_center) / ellipsoid_radius) ** 2, axis=1) if filter_type == 'any' \ and np.argwhere(points_in_ellipsoid <= 1).any(): # If at least one point was in the ellipsoid selected_by_ellipsoid.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) elif filter_type == 'all' \ and len(np.argwhere(points_in_ellipsoid <= 1)) == len(line): # If all points were in the ellipsoid selected_by_ellipsoid.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) else: points_in_ellipsoid = np.sum( ((line[0] - ellipsoid_center) / ellipsoid_radius) ** 2) if points_in_ellipsoid <= 1.0: line_based_indices_1.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) points_in_ellipsoid = np.sum( ((line[-1] - ellipsoid_center) / ellipsoid_radius) ** 2) if points_in_ellipsoid <= 1.0: line_based_indices_2.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) # Both endpoints need to be in the mask (AND) if filter_type == 'both_ends': selected_by_ellipsoid = np.intersect1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # Only one endpoint needs to be in the mask (OR) elif filter_type == 'either_end': selected_by_ellipsoid = np.union1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # If the 'exclude' option is used, the selection is inverted if is_exclude: selected_by_ellipsoid = np.setdiff1d(range(len(sft)), np.unique(selected_by_ellipsoid)) line_based_indices = np.asarray(selected_by_ellipsoid, dtype=np.int32) # From indices to sft streamlines = sft.streamlines[line_based_indices] data_per_streamline = sft.data_per_streamline[line_based_indices] data_per_point = sft.data_per_point[line_based_indices] new_sft = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( streamlines, sft, data_per_streamline=data_per_streamline, data_per_point=data_per_point) return new_sft, line_based_indices
[docs] def filter_cuboid(sft, cuboid_radius, cuboid_center, filter_type, is_exclude): """ Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines to segment. cuboid_radius : numpy.ndarray (3) Size in mm, x/y/z of the cuboid. cuboid_center: numpy.ndarray (3) Center x/y/z of the cuboid. filter_type: str One of the 3 following choices, 'any', 'all', 'either_end', 'both_ends'. is_exclude: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is an AND (false) or a NOT (true). is_in_vox: bool Value to indicate if the ROI is in voxel space. Returns ------- ids : tuple Filtered sft. Ids of the streamlines passing through the mask. """ pre_filtered_sft, pre_filtered_indices = \ pre_filtering_for_geometrical_shape(sft, cuboid_radius, cuboid_center, filter_type, False) pre_filtered_sft.to_rasmm() pre_filtered_sft.to_center() pre_filtered_streamlines = pre_filtered_sft.streamlines _, _, res, _ = sft.space_attributes selected_by_cuboid = [] line_based_indices_1 = [] line_based_indices_2 = [] # Also here I am not using a mathematical intersection and # I am not using vtkPolyData like in MI-Brain, so not exactly the same cuboid_radius = np.asarray(cuboid_radius, dtype=float) cuboid_center = np.asarray(cuboid_center, dtype=float) for i, line in enumerate(pre_filtered_streamlines): if filter_type in ['any', 'all']: # Resample to 1/10 of the voxel size nb_points = max(int(length(line) / np.average(res) * 10), 2) line = set_number_of_points(line, nb_points) points_in_cuboid = np.abs(line - cuboid_center) / cuboid_radius points_in_cuboid = np.sum(np.where(points_in_cuboid <= 1, 1, 0), axis=1) if filter_type == 'any' \ and np.argwhere(points_in_cuboid == 3).any(): # If at least one point was in the cuboid in x/y/z selected_by_cuboid.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) elif filter_type == 'all' \ and len(np.argwhere(points_in_cuboid == 3)) == len(line): # If all points were in the cuboid in x/y/z selected_by_cuboid.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) else: # Faster to do it twice than trying to do in using an array of 2 points_in_cuboid = np.abs(line[0] - cuboid_center) / cuboid_radius points_in_cuboid = np.sum(np.where(points_in_cuboid <= 1, 1, 0)) if points_in_cuboid == 3: line_based_indices_1.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) points_in_cuboid = np.abs(line[-1] - cuboid_center) / cuboid_radius points_in_cuboid = np.sum(np.where(points_in_cuboid <= 1, 1, 0)) if points_in_cuboid == 3: line_based_indices_2.append(pre_filtered_indices[i]) # Both endpoints need to be in the mask (AND) if filter_type == 'both_ends': selected_by_cuboid = np.intersect1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # Only one endpoint need to be in the mask (OR) elif filter_type == 'either_end': selected_by_cuboid = np.union1d(line_based_indices_1, line_based_indices_2) # If the 'exclude' option is used, the selection is inverted if is_exclude: selected_by_cuboid = np.setdiff1d(range(len(sft)), np.unique(selected_by_cuboid)) line_based_indices = np.asarray(selected_by_cuboid, dtype=np.int32) # From indices to sft streamlines = sft.streamlines[line_based_indices] data_per_streamline = sft.data_per_streamline[line_based_indices] data_per_point = sft.data_per_point[line_based_indices] new_sft = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( streamlines, sft, data_per_streamline=data_per_streamline, data_per_point=data_per_point) return new_sft, line_based_indices