Source code for

# coding=utf-8

import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import struct

from import is_header_compatible
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from scilpy.gradients.bvec_bval_tools import str_to_axis_index

[docs] def load_fdf(file_path): """ Load a Varian FDF file. Parameters ---------- file_path: Path to the fdf file or directory Return ------ data: FDF raw data header: Dictionary of the fdf header info. """ if os.path.isdir(file_path): data, header = read_directory(file_path) dir_path = file_path else: data, header = read_file(file_path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path)) procpar_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'procpar') if os.path.exists(procpar_path): add_gradient_info(procpar_path, header) else: logging.warning('Could not find the procpar file {0}. \n' 'If you have gradient information to be extracted, ' 'you need to have a procpar file in the fdf directory.' .format(procpar_path)) return data, header
[docs] def add_gradient_info(procpar_path, header): """ Extract gradients information from the procpar file and puts it in the header. The X values of the gradient are flipped due a LAS encoding. Parameters ---------- procpar_path: Path to the procpar file. header: Header to add gradient info. Return ------ None """ bval = diff_x = diff_y = diff_z = None with open(procpar_path, 'r') as procpar: for line in procpar: if line.startswith('bvalue'): bval = next(procpar) if line.startswith('dpe '): diff_x = next(procpar) if line.startswith('dro '): diff_y = next(procpar) if line.startswith('dsl '): diff_z = next(procpar) if bval and diff_x and diff_y and diff_z: header['bvalue'] = [float(x) for x in bval.split()[1:]] header['diff_x'] = [-float(x) for x in diff_x.split()[1:]] header['diff_y'] = [float(x) for x in diff_y.split()[1:]] header['diff_z'] = [float(x) for x in diff_z.split()[1:]]
[docs] def read_file(file_path): """ Read a single fdf file. Parameters ---------- file_path: Path to the fdf file Return ------ raw_header: Dictionary of header information data: Numpy array of the fdf data """ raw_header = dict() raw_header['shape'] = [-1, -1, 1, 1] raw_header['endian'] = '>' # Extracts floating point numbers # ex: 'float roi[] = {3.840000,3.840000,0.035000};' # returns ['3.840000', '3.840000', '0.035000'] float_regex = '[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+' # Extracts value of a line of the type: # 'int slice_no = 1;' would return '1' named_value_regex = '= *\"*(.*[^\"])\"* *;' # (tag_in_file, tag_in_header) find_values = (('echos', 'nechoes'), ('echo_no', 'echo_no'), ('nslices', 'nslices'), ('slice_no', 'sl'), ('bigendian', 'endian'), ('array_dim', 'array_dim'), ('bigendian', 'endian'), ('studyid', 'studyid')) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: # Read entire file while True: line = fp.readline() line = line.decode() if line[0] == chr(12): break # Check line for tag, extract value with the regex then put it in # the header with the associated tag. for file_key, head_key in find_values: if line.find(file_key) > 0: raw_header[head_key] = \ re.findall(named_value_regex, line)[0] break if type(raw_header['endian']) is int: raw_header['endian'] = \ '>' if int(raw_header['endian']) != 0 else '<' if line.find('abscissa') > 0: # Extracts units in quotes. # ex: 'char *abscissa[] = {"cm", "cm"}' returns # ["cm", "cm"] m = re.findall('\"[a-z]{2}\"', line.rstrip()) unit = m[0].strip('"') # We convert everything in mm # Nifti doesn't support 'cm' anyway... if unit == 'cm': unit = 'mm' raw_header['xyz_units'] = unit raw_header['t_units'] = 'unknown' elif line.find('roi') > 0: m = re.findall(float_regex, line.rstrip()) raw_header['real_voxel_dim'] = \ np.array([float(x)*10 for x in m]) elif line.find('orientation') > 0: m = re.findall(float_regex, line.rstrip()) raw_header['orientation'] = np.array([float(x) for x in m]) elif line.find('origin') > 0: m = re.findall(float_regex, line.rstrip()) raw_header['origin'] = \ np.array([float(x) for x in m]) elif line.find('matrix') > 0: # Extracts digits. # ex: 'float matrix[] = {128, 128};' # returns ['128', '128'] m = re.findall('(\d+)', line.rstrip()) raw_header['shape'] = np.array([int(x) for x in m]) # Total number of data pixels # nb_voxels = reduce(operator.mul, raw_header['shape']) nb_voxels =['shape']) # Set how data is packed raw_header['fmt'] = "{}f".format(nb_voxels) if '<' in raw_header['endian']: raw_header['fmt'] = '<'+raw_header['fmt'] else: raw_header['fmt'] = '>'+raw_header['fmt'] # Go to the beginning of the data segment * 4, 2) data = struct.unpack(raw_header['fmt'],*4)) # Get correct voxel dimensions in mm raw_header['voxel_dim'] = \ [j/i for i, j in zip(raw_header['shape'], raw_header['real_voxel_dim'])] correct_shape = raw_header['shape'][::-1] # Reshape the data according to image dimensions data = np.array(data).reshape(correct_shape).squeeze() if len(raw_header['shape']) != 2: data = data.transpose(2, 1, 0) data = np.rot90(data, 3)[:, ::-1] return raw_header, data
[docs] def read_directory(path): """ Parameters ---------- Read a directory containing multiple 2D ``.fdf`` files. The method should return ``None`` if the directory is empty. path: Path to the input directory Return ------ data: Numpy array containing data final_header: Header information """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.fdf')) files.sort() all_headers, all_data = zip(*[read_file(fl) for fl in files]) if not all_headers: return None final_header = all_headers[0] # Fix data axis all_data = np.array(all_data) if len(all_data.shape) < 4: all_data = np.transpose(all_data, (1, 2, 0)) # Set real shape final_header['shape'] = all_data.shape # Correct voxel dimensions to fit data shape if len(final_header['shape']) != len(final_header['voxel_dim']): final_header['voxel_dim'].extend( final_header['real_voxel_dim'][len(final_header['shape'])-1:]) # Support for fourth dimension time = int(float(final_header['array_dim'])) if time > 1: final_header['shape'] = (final_header['shape'][0], final_header['shape'][1], round(final_header['shape'][2] / time), time) final_header['voxel_dim'].append(1) all_data = all_data.reshape(final_header['shape']) else: all_data = np.transpose(all_data, (3, 2, 1, 0)) all_data = np.transpose(all_data, (1, 0, 2, 3)) final_header['shape'] = all_data.shape final_header['voxel_dim'].append(1.0) return all_data, final_header
[docs] def format_raw_header(header): """ Format the header to a Nifti1Image format. Parameters ---------- header: Raw dictionary of header information Return ------ nifti1_header: Header to save in the nifti1 file. """ if header is None: return header nifti1_header = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header() nifti1_header.set_data_shape(header['shape']) nifti1_header.set_xyzt_units(header['xyz_units'], header['t_units']) nifti1_header.set_data_dtype('float32') return nifti1_header
[docs] def save_babel(dwi_data, dwi_header, b0_data, b0_header, bval_path, bvec_path, out_path, affine=None, flip=None, swap=None): """ Save a loaded fdf file to nifti. Parameters ---------- dwi_data: Raw data to be saved dwi_header: Raw header from fdf files b0_data: Raw b0 b0_header: Raw header for b0 bval_path: Path to the bval file to be saved bvec_path: Path to the bvec file to be saved out_path: Path of the nifti file to be saved affine: Affine transformation to save with the data flip: swap: Return ------ None """ nifti1_dwi_header = format_raw_header(dwi_header) nifti1_b0_header = format_raw_header(b0_header) if not is_header_compatible(nifti1_dwi_header, nifti1_b0_header): raise Exception("Images are not of the same resolution/affine") nifti1_header = nifti1_dwi_header if 'orientation' in nifti1_header: orientation = np.identity(4) orientation[:3, :3] = nifti1_header['orientation'].reshape(3, 3) affine = np.linalg.inv(orientation) write_gradient_information(dwi_header, b0_header, bval_path, bvec_path, flip, swap) data = np.concatenate([b0_data[:, :, :, np.newaxis], dwi_data], axis=3) nifti1_header.set_data_shape(data.shape) img = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(dataobj=data, header=nifti1_header, affine=affine) vox_dim = [round(num, 3) for num in dwi_header['voxel_dim'][0:4]] img.header.set_zooms(vox_dim) qform = img.header.get_qform() qform[:2, :3] *= -1. if 'origin' in nifti1_header: qform[:len(nifti1_header['origin']), 3] = -nifti1_header['origin'] img.get_header().set_qform(qform) img.update_header() img.to_filename(out_path)
[docs] def write_gradient_information(dwi_header, b0_header, bval_path=None, bvec_path=None, flip=None, swap=None): """ Write gradient information in present in the header. Parameters ---------- dwi_header: The header with gradient info. b0_header: The header of b0 bval_path: Path to the bval file to be saved. bvec_path: Path to the bvec path to be saved. flip: swap: Return ------ None """ keys = ['bvalue', 'diff_x', 'diff_y', 'diff_z'] if all(k in dwi_header for k in keys) and \ all(k in b0_header for k in keys): if bval_path: bvals = b0_header['bvalue'] + dwi_header['bvalue'] with open(bval_path, 'w') as bval_file: bval_file.write(' '.join(str(i) for i in bvals)) if bvec_path: bvecs = np.zeros((3, len(b0_header['diff_x'] + dwi_header['diff_x']))) bvecs[0, :] = b0_header['diff_x'] + dwi_header['diff_x'] bvecs[1, :] = b0_header['diff_y'] + dwi_header['diff_y'] bvecs[2, :] = b0_header['diff_z'] + dwi_header['diff_z'] if flip: axes = [str_to_axis_index(axis) for axis in list(flip)] for axis in axes: bvecs[axis, :] *= -1 if swap: axes = [str_to_axis_index(axis) for axis in list(swap)] new_bvecs = np.zeros(bvecs.shape) new_bvecs[axes[0], :] = bvecs[axes[1], :] new_bvecs[axes[1], :] = bvecs[axes[0], :] bvecs = new_bvecs np.savetxt(bvec_path, bvecs, "%.8f") else: raise Exception( 'Could not save gradient. Some keys are missing.')
[docs] def correct_procpar_intensity(dwi_data, dwi_path, b0_path): """Applies a linear value correction based on gain difference found in procpar files. The basic formulae provided by Luc Tremblay is: Ldb = 20log(P1/P0) Where: Ldb is the gain difference between B0 and dwi. P1 is the B0 image intensity factor. P0 is the dwi image intensity factor. Since we only seek an intensity correction factor between B0 and dwi, we fix P0 at 1. The equation becomes: Ldb = 20log(P1) P1 is the factor we are looking for. Isolating P1 gives us the final equation: P1 = 10**(Ldb/20) """ # Not really an io function: does not load and save! But it is the only # method we have concerning varian_fdf. Kept here, as decided by guru # Arnaud. dwi_gain = get_gain(dwi_path) b0_gain = get_gain(b0_path) if dwi_gain is None or b0_gain is None: raise Exception( 'Could not apply gain correction, make sure that your B0 and ' 'dwi procpar files contain the gain tag.') gain_difference = dwi_gain - b0_gain correction_factor = 10 ** (gain_difference / 20.0) # The dwi intensity is divided by factor instead of multiplying b0's # intensity. This allows the scaling step in dti_metrics to # be applyed correclty. dwi_data *= 1.0 / correction_factor return dwi_data
[docs] def get_gain(procpar_path): """ Extract gain fromm procpar file Parameters ---------- procpar_path: Path to the procpar folder. Return ------ float """ procpar_file = os.path.join(procpar_path, 'procpar') with open(procpar_file) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('gain'): gain = next(f) return float(gain.split()[1]) return None