Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import islice
import logging
import os
import tempfile

from import load_tractogram
from import save_tractogram as _save_tractogram
from import is_header_compatible
import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.streamlines.array_sequence import ArraySequence
import numpy as np

from import load_matrix_in_any_format

[docs] def check_tracts_same_format(parser, tractogram_1, tractogram_2): """ Assert that two filepaths have the same valid extension. :param parser: argparse.ArgumentParser object :param tractogram_1: Tractogram filename #1 :param tractogram_2: Tractogram filename #2 """ if not nib.streamlines.is_supported(tractogram_1): parser.error('Format of "{}" not supported.'.format(tractogram_1)) if not nib.streamlines.is_supported(tractogram_2): parser.error('Format of "{}" not supported.'.format(tractogram_2)) ext_1 = os.path.splitext(tractogram_1)[1] ext_2 = os.path.splitext(tractogram_2)[1] if not ext_1 == ext_2: parser.error( 'Input and output tractogram files must use the same format.')
[docs] def ichunk(sequence, n): """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence: numpy.ndarray streamlines n: int amount of streamlines to load Return ------ chunk: list subset of streamlines """ sequence = iter(sequence) chunk = list(islice(sequence, n)) while len(chunk) > 0: yield chunk chunk = list(islice(sequence, n))
[docs] def is_argument_set(args, arg_name): # Check that attribute is not None return not getattr(args, arg_name, None) is None
[docs] def load_tractogram_with_reference(parser, args, filepath, arg_name=None): """ Parameters ---------- parser: Argument Parser Used to print errors, if any. args: Namespace Parsed arguments. Used to get the 'reference' and 'bbox_check' args. See to add the arguments to your parser. filepath: str Path of the tractogram file. arg_name: str, optional Name of the reference argument. By default the args.ref is used. If arg_name is given, then args.arg_name_ref will be used instead. """ if is_argument_set(args, 'bbox_check'): bbox_check = args.bbox_check else: bbox_check = True _, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) if ext == '.trk': if (is_argument_set(args, 'reference') or arg_name and args.__getattribute__(arg_name + '_ref')): logging.warning('Reference is discarded for this file format ' '{}.'.format(filepath)) sft = load_tractogram(filepath, 'same', bbox_valid_check=bbox_check) # Force dtype to int64 instead of float64 if len(sft.streamlines) == 0: sft.streamlines._offsets.dtype = np.dtype(np.int64) elif ext in ['.tck', '.fib', '.vtk', '.dpy']: if arg_name: arg_ref = arg_name + '_ref' if args.__getattribute__(arg_ref): sft = load_tractogram(filepath, args.__getattribute__(arg_ref), bbox_valid_check=bbox_check) else: parser.error('--{} is required for this file format ' '{}.'.format(arg_ref, filepath)) elif (not is_argument_set(args, 'reference')) or args.reference is None: parser.error('--reference is required for this file format ' '{}.'.format(filepath)) else: sft = load_tractogram(filepath, args.reference, bbox_valid_check=bbox_check) else: parser.error('{} is an unsupported file format'.format(filepath)) return sft
[docs] def save_tractogram(sft, filename, no_empty, bbox_valid_check=True): if len(sft.streamlines) == 0 and no_empty:"The file {} won't be written (0 streamlines)" .format(filename)) else: if len(sft.streamlines) == 0:"Writing an empty file (0 streamlines): {} " .format(filename)) _save_tractogram(sft, filename, bbox_valid_check=bbox_valid_check)
[docs] def verify_compatibility_with_reference_sft(ref_sft, files_to_verify, parser, args): """ Verifies the compatibility of a reference sft with a list of files. Params ------ ref_sft: StatefulTractogram A tractogram to be used as reference. files_to_verify: List[str] List of files that should be compatible with the reference sft. Files can be either other tractograms or nifti files (ex: masks). parser: argument parser Will raise an error if a file is not compatible. args: Namespace Should contain a args.reference if any file is a .tck, and possibly a args.bbox_check (set to True by default). """ save_ref = args.reference for file in files_to_verify: if file is not None: _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext in ['.trk', '.tck', '.fib', '.vtk', '.dpy']: # Cheating ref because it may send a lot of warning if loading # many trk with ref (reference was maybe added only for some # of these files) if ext == '.trk': args.reference = None else: args.reference = save_ref mask = load_tractogram_with_reference(parser, args, file) else: # should be a nifti file. mask = file compatible = is_header_compatible(ref_sft, mask) if not compatible: parser.error("Reference tractogram incompatible with {}" .format(file))
[docs] def load_dps_files_as_dps(parser, dps_files, sft, keys=None, overwrite=False): """ Load dps information. They must be scalar values. Parameters ---------- parser: parser dps_files: list[str] Either .npy or .txt files. sft: StatefulTractogram keys: list[str] If None, use the filenames as keys. overwrite: bool If True, allow overwriting an existing dps key. Returns ------- sft: StatefulTractogram The modified SFT. (Note that it is modified in-place even if the returned variable is not used!) new_keys: list[str] Added keys. """ if keys is not None and len(keys) != len(dps_files): parser.error("You must provide one key name per dps file.") new_keys = [] for i, file in enumerate(dps_files): if keys is None: name = os.path.basename(file) key, ext = os.path.splitext(name) else: key = keys[i] if key in sft.data_per_streamline and not overwrite: parser.error("Key {} already exists in your tractogram's dps. " "You must allow overwriting keys." .format(key)) data = np.squeeze(load_matrix_in_any_format(file)) if len(data) != len(sft): parser.error('Wrong dps size in file {}. Expected one value per ' 'streamline ({}) but got {} values!' .format(file, len(sft), len(data))) new_keys.append(key) sft.data_per_streamline[key] = data return sft, new_keys
[docs] def load_dpp_files_as_dpp(parser, dpp_files, sft, keys=None, overwrite=False): """ Load dpp information. They must be scalar values. Parameters ---------- parser: parser dpp_files: list[str] Either .npy or .txt files. sft: StatefulTractogram keys: list[str] If None, use the filenames as keys. overwrite: bool If True, allow overwriting an existing dpp key. Returns ------- sft: StatefulTractogram The modified SFT. (Note that it is modified in-place even if the returned variable is not used!) new_keys: list[str] Added keys. """ if keys is not None and len(keys) != len(dpp_files): parser.error("You must provide one key name per dps file.") new_keys = [] for i, file in enumerate(dpp_files): if keys is None: name = os.path.basename(file) key, ext = os.path.splitext(name) else: key = keys[i] if key in sft.data_per_streamline and not overwrite: parser.error("Key {} already exists in your tractogram's dpp. " "You must allow overwriting keys." .format(key)) data = np.squeeze(load_matrix_in_any_format(file)) if len(data) != len(sft.streamlines._data): parser.error('Wrong dpp size in file {}. Expected one value per ' 'point in your tractogram ({}) but got {}!' .format(file, len(sft.streamlines._data), len(data))) new_keys.append(key) sft.data_per_point[key] = data return sft, new_keys
[docs] def streamlines_to_memmap(input_streamlines, strs_dtype='float32'): """ Function to decompose on disk the array_sequence into its components. Parameters ---------- input_streamlines : ArraySequence All streamlines of the tractogram to segment. Returns ------- tmp_obj : tuple Temporary directory and tuple of filenames for the data, offsets and lengths. """ tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() data_filename = os.path.join(, 'data.dat') data = np.memmap(data_filename, dtype=strs_dtype, mode='w+', shape=input_streamlines._data.shape) data[:] = input_streamlines._data[:] offsets_filename = os.path.join(, 'offsets.dat') offsets = np.memmap(offsets_filename, dtype='int64', mode='w+', shape=input_streamlines._offsets.shape) offsets[:] = input_streamlines._offsets[:] lengths_filename = os.path.join(, 'lengths.dat') lengths = np.memmap(lengths_filename, dtype='int32', mode='w+', shape=input_streamlines._lengths.shape) lengths[:] = input_streamlines._lengths[:] return tmp_dir, (data_filename, offsets_filename, lengths_filename)
[docs] def reconstruct_streamlines_from_memmap(memmap_filenames, indices=None, strs_dtype='float32'): """ Function to reconstruct streamlines from memmaps, mainly to facilitate multiprocessing and decrease RAM usage. Parameters ---------- memmap_filenames : tuple Tuple of 3 filepath to numpy memmap (data, offsets, lengths). indices : list List of int representing the indices to reconstruct. Returns ------- streamlines : list of np.ndarray List of streamlines. """ data = np.memmap(memmap_filenames[0], dtype=strs_dtype, mode='r') offsets = np.memmap(memmap_filenames[1], dtype='int64', mode='r') lengths = np.memmap(memmap_filenames[2], dtype='int32', mode='r') return reconstruct_streamlines(data, offsets, lengths, indices=indices)
[docs] def reconstruct_streamlines(data, offsets, lengths, indices=None): """ Function to reconstruct streamlines from its data, offsets and lengths (from the nibabel tractogram object). Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Nx3 array representing all points of the streamlines. offsets : np.ndarray Nx1 array representing the cumsum of length array. lengths : np.ndarray Nx1 array representing the length of each streamline. indices : list List of int representing the indices to reconstruct. Returns ------- streamlines : list of np.ndarray List of streamlines. """ if data.ndim == 2: data = np.array(data).flatten() if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(offsets)) streamlines = [] for i in indices: streamline = data[offsets[i]*3:offsets[i]*3 + lengths[i]*3] streamlines.append(streamline.reshape((lengths[i], 3))) return ArraySequence(streamlines)