Source code for

import logging

from dipy.core.gradients import (gradient_table,
                                 unique_bvals_tolerance, get_bval_indices)
from import read_bvals_bvecs
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from scilpy.dwi.utils import extract_dwi_shell
from scilpy.gradients.bvec_bval_tools import (normalize_bvecs,

bshapes = {0: "STE", 1: "LTE", -0.5: "PTE", 0.5: "CTE"}
bdeltas = {"STE": 0, "LTE": 1, "PTE": -0.5, "CTE": 0.5}

[docs] def convert_bshape_to_bdelta(b_shapes): """Convert an array of b_shapes to an array of b_deltas. Parameters ---------- b_shapes: array of strings b_shapes to convert. Strings can only be LTE, PTE, STE or CTE. Returns ------- b_deltas: array of floats Converted b_deltas, such that LTE = 1, STE = 0, PTE = -0.5, CTE = 0.5. """ b_deltas = np.vectorize(bdeltas.get)(b_shapes) return b_deltas
[docs] def convert_bdelta_to_bshape(b_deltas): """Convert an array of b_deltas to an array of b_shapes. Parameters ---------- b_deltas: array of floats b_deltas to convert. Floats can only be 1, 0, -0.5 or 0.5. Returns ------- b_shapes: array of strings Converted b_shapes, such that LTE = 1, STE = 0, PTE = -0.5, CTE = 0.5. """ b_shapes = np.vectorize(bshapes.get)(b_deltas) return b_shapes
[docs] def generate_btensor_input(in_dwis, in_bvals, in_bvecs, in_bdeltas, do_pa_signals=False, tol=20, skip_b0_check=False): """Generate b-tensor input from an ensemble of data, bvals and bvecs files. This generated input is mandatory for all scripts using b-tensor encoding data. Also generate the powder-averaged (PA) data if set. For the moment, this does not enable the use of a b0_threshold different than the tolerance. Parameters ---------- in_dwis : list of strings (file paths) Diffusion data files for each b-tensor encodings. in_bvals : list of strings (file paths) All of the bvals files associated. in_bvecs : list of strings (file paths) All of the bvecs files associated. in_bdeltas : list of floats All of the b_deltas (describing the type of encoding) files associated. do_pa_signals : bool, optional If set, will compute the powder_averaged input instead of the regular one. This means that the signal is averaged over all directions for each bvals. tol : int tolerance gap for b-values clustering. Defaults to 20 skip_b0_check: bool (See full explanation in io.utils.add_skip_b0_check_arg.) If true, script will continue even if no b-values are found below the tolerance (no b0s found). Returns ------- gtab_full : GradientTable A single gradient table containing the information of all encodings. data_full : np.ndarray (4d) All concatenated diffusion data from the different encodings. ubvals_full : array All the unique bvals from the different encodings, but with a single b0. If two or more encodings have the same bvalue, then they are differentiate by +1. ub_deltas_full : array All the b_delta values associated with `ubvals_full`. pa_signals : np.ndarray (4d) (if `do_pa_signals`) Powder-averaged diffusion data. gtab_infos : np.ndarray (if `do_pa_signals`) Contains information about the gtab, such as the unique bvals, the encoding types, the number of directions and the acquisition index. """ data_full = np.empty(0) bvals_full = np.empty(0) bvecs_full = np.empty(0) b_shapes = np.empty(0) ubvals_full = np.empty(0) ub_deltas_full = np.empty(0) nb_bvecs_full = np.empty(0) acq_index_full = np.empty(0) ubvals_divide = np.empty(0) acq_index = 0 for inputf, bvalsf, bvecsf, b_delta in zip(in_dwis, in_bvals, in_bvecs, in_bdeltas): if inputf: # verifies if the input file exists vol = nib.load(inputf) bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bvalsf, bvecsf) _ = check_b0_threshold(bvals.min(), b0_thr=tol, skip_b0_check=skip_b0_check) if np.sum([bvals > tol]) != 0: bvals = np.round(bvals) if not is_normalized_bvecs(bvecs): logging.warning('Your b-vectors do not seem normalized...') bvecs = normalize_bvecs(bvecs) ubvals = unique_bvals_tolerance(bvals, tol=tol) for ubval in ubvals: # Loop over all unique bvals # Extracting the data for the ubval shell indices, shell_data, _, output_bvecs = \ extract_dwi_shell(vol, bvals, bvecs, [ubval], tol=tol) nb_bvecs = len(indices) # Adding the current data to each arrays of interest acq_index_full = np.concatenate([acq_index_full, [acq_index]]) \ if acq_index_full.size else np.array([acq_index]) ubvals_divide = np.concatenate([ubvals_divide, [ubval]]) \ if ubvals_divide.size else np.array([ubval]) while np.isin(ubval, ubvals_full): # Differentiate the bvals ubval += 1 ubvals_full = np.concatenate([ubvals_full, [ubval]]) \ if ubvals_full.size else np.array([ubval]) ub_deltas_full = np.concatenate([ub_deltas_full, [b_delta]]) \ if ub_deltas_full.size else np.array([b_delta]) nb_bvecs_full = np.concatenate([nb_bvecs_full, [nb_bvecs]]) \ if nb_bvecs_full.size else np.array([nb_bvecs]) data_full = np.concatenate([data_full, shell_data], axis=-1) \ if data_full.size else shell_data bvals_full = np.concatenate([bvals_full, np.repeat([ubval], nb_bvecs)]) \ if bvals_full.size else np.repeat([ubval], nb_bvecs) bvecs_full = np.concatenate([bvecs_full, output_bvecs]) \ if bvecs_full.size else output_bvecs b_shapes = np.concatenate([b_shapes, np.repeat([bshapes[b_delta]], nb_bvecs)]) \ if b_shapes.size else np.repeat([bshapes[b_delta]], nb_bvecs) acq_index += 1 # In the case that the PA data is wanted, there is a different return if do_pa_signals: pa_signals = np.zeros(((data_full.shape[:-1])+(len(ubvals_full),))) for i, ubval in enumerate(ubvals_full): indices = get_bval_indices(bvals_full, ubval, tol=0) pa_signals[..., i] = np.nanmean(data_full[..., indices], axis=-1) gtab_infos = np.ndarray((4, len(ubvals_full))) gtab_infos[0] = ubvals_divide gtab_infos[1] = ub_deltas_full gtab_infos[2] = nb_bvecs_full gtab_infos[3] = acq_index_full if np.sum([ubvals_full < tol]) < acq_index - 1: gtab_infos[3] *= 0 return pa_signals, gtab_infos # Removing the duplicate b0s from ubvals_full duplicate_b0_ind = np.union1d(np.argwhere(ubvals_full == min(ubvals_full)), np.argwhere(ubvals_full > tol)) ubvals_full = ubvals_full[duplicate_b0_ind] ub_deltas_full = ub_deltas_full[duplicate_b0_ind] # Sorting the data by bvals sorted_indices = np.argsort(bvals_full, axis=0) bvals_full = np.take_along_axis(bvals_full, sorted_indices, axis=0) bvals_full[bvals_full < tol] = min(ubvals_full) bvecs_full = np.take_along_axis(bvecs_full, sorted_indices.reshape(len(bvals_full), 1), axis=0) b_shapes = np.take_along_axis(b_shapes, sorted_indices, axis=0) data_full = np.take_along_axis(data_full, sorted_indices.reshape(1, 1, 1, len(bvals_full)), axis=-1) # Sorting the ubvals sorted_indices = np.argsort(np.asarray(ubvals_full), axis=0) ubvals_full = np.take_along_axis(np.asarray(ubvals_full), sorted_indices, axis=0) ub_deltas_full = np.take_along_axis(np.asarray(ub_deltas_full), sorted_indices, axis=0) # Creating the corresponding gtab gtab_full = gradient_table(bvals_full, bvecs_full, b0_threshold=bvals_full.min(), btens=b_shapes) return gtab_full, data_full, ubvals_full, ub_deltas_full