Source code for scilpy.image.volume_operations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

from dipy.align.imaffine import (AffineMap,
from dipy.align.transforms import (AffineTransform3D,
from import get_reference_info
from dipy.reconst.utils import _mask_from_roi, _roi_in_volume

from dipy.segment.mask import crop, median_otsu
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation, gaussian_filter
from sklearn import linear_model

from scilpy.image.reslice import reslice  # Don't use Dipy's reslice. Buggy.
from import get_data_as_mask
from scilpy.gradients.bvec_bval_tools import identify_shells
from scilpy.utils.spatial import voxel_to_world
from scilpy.utils.spatial import world_to_voxel

[docs] def count_non_zero_voxels(image): """ Count number of non-zero voxels Parameters: ----------- image: np.ndarray The loaded image. Returns ------- nb_voxels: int The count. """ # Count the number of non-zero voxels. if len(image.shape) >= 4: axes_to_sum = np.arange(3, len(image.shape)) nb_voxels = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(np.absolute(image), axis=tuple(axes_to_sum))) else: nb_voxels = np.count_nonzero(image) return nb_voxels
[docs] def flip_volume(data, axes): """ Flip volume along a specific axis. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray Volume data. axes: List A list containing any number of values amongst ['x', 'y', 'z']. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray Flipped volume data along specified axes. """ if 'x' in axes: data = data[::-1, ...] if 'y' in axes: data = data[:, ::-1, ...] if 'z' in axes: data = data[:, :, ::-1, ...] return data
[docs] def crop_volume(img: nib.Nifti1Image, wbbox): """ Applies cropping from a world space defined bounding box and fixes the affine to keep data aligned. Parameters ---------- img: nib.Nifti1Image Input image to crop. wbbox: WorldBoundingBox Bounding box. Returns ------- cropped_im: nib.Nifti1Image The image with cropped data and transformed affine. """ data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32, caching='unchanged') affine = img.affine voxel_bb_mins = world_to_voxel(wbbox.minimums, affine) voxel_bb_maxs = world_to_voxel(wbbox.maximums, affine) # Prevent from trying to crop outside data boundaries by clipping bbox extent = list(data.shape[:3]) for i in range(3): voxel_bb_mins[i] = max(0, voxel_bb_mins[i]) voxel_bb_maxs[i] = min(extent[i], voxel_bb_maxs[i]) translation = voxel_to_world(voxel_bb_mins, affine) data_crop = np.copy(crop(data, voxel_bb_mins, voxel_bb_maxs)) new_affine = np.copy(affine) new_affine[0:3, 3] = translation[0:3] return nib.Nifti1Image(data_crop, new_affine)
[docs] def apply_transform(transfo, reference, moving, interp='linear', keep_dtype=False): """ Apply transformation to an image using Dipy's tool Parameters ---------- transfo: numpy.ndarray Transformation matrix to be applied reference: nib.Nifti1Image Filename of the reference image (target) moving: nib.Nifti1Image Filename of the moving image interp : string, either 'linear' or 'nearest' the type of interpolation to be used, either 'linear' (for k-linear interpolation) or 'nearest' for nearest neighbor keep_dtype : bool If True, keeps the data_type of the input moving image when saving the output image Returns ------- moved_im: nib.Nifti1Image The warped moving image. """ grid2world, dim, _, _ = get_reference_info(reference) static_data = reference.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) curr_type = moving.get_data_dtype() if keep_dtype: moving_data = np.asanyarray(moving.dataobj).astype(curr_type) else: moving_data = moving.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) moving_affine = moving.affine if moving_data.ndim == 3: orig_type = moving_data.dtype affine_map = AffineMap(np.linalg.inv(transfo), dim, grid2world, moving_data.shape, moving_affine) resampled = affine_map.transform(moving_data.astype(np.float64), interpolation=interp) elif moving_data.ndim == 4: if isinstance(moving_data[0, 0, 0], np.void): raise ValueError('Does not support TrackVis RGB') else: logging.warning('You are applying a transform to a 4D volume. If' 'it is a DWI volume, make sure to rotate your ' 'bvecs with') affine_map = AffineMap(np.linalg.inv(transfo), dim[0:3], grid2world, moving_data.shape[0:3], moving_affine) orig_type = moving_data.dtype resampled = transform_dwi(affine_map, static_data, moving_data, interpolation=interp) else: raise ValueError('Does not support this dataset (shape, type, etc)') return nib.Nifti1Image(resampled.astype(orig_type), grid2world)
[docs] def transform_dwi(reg_obj, static, dwi, interpolation='linear'): """ Iteratively apply transformation to 4D image using Dipy's tool Parameters ---------- reg_obj: AffineMap Registration object from Dipy returned by AffineMap static: numpy.ndarray Target image data dwi: numpy.ndarray 4D numpy array containing a scalar in each voxel (moving image data) interpolation : string, either 'linear' or 'nearest' the type of interpolation to be used, either 'linear' (for k-linear interpolation) or 'nearest' for nearest neighbor Returns ------- trans_dwi: nib.Nifti1Image The warped 4D volume. """ trans_dwi = np.zeros(static.shape + (dwi.shape[3],), dtype=dwi.dtype) for i in range(dwi.shape[3]): trans_dwi[..., i] = reg_obj.transform(dwi[..., i], interpolation=interpolation) return trans_dwi
[docs] def register_image(static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world, transformation_type='affine', dwi=None, fine=False): """ Register a moving image to a static image using either rigid or affine transformations. If a DWI (4D) is provided, it applies the transformation to each volume. Parameters ---------- static : ndarray The static image volume to which the moving image will be registered. static_grid2world : ndarray The grid-to-world (vox2ras) transformation associated with the static image. moving : ndarray The moving image volume to register to the static image. moving_grid2world : ndarray The grid-to-world (vox2ras) transformation associated with the moving image. transformation_type : str, optional The type of transformation ('rigid' or 'affine'). Default is 'affine'. dwi : ndarray, optional Diffusion-weighted imaging data (if applicable). Default is None. If given, then `moving` should be the reference template. fine : bool, optional Whether to use fine or coarse settings for the registration. Default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If the transformation_type is neither 'rigid' nor 'affine'. Returns ------- moved: np.ndarray If `dwi` is None, returns the transformed moving image, else the transformed dwi. transform: np.ndarray The transformation matrix. """ if transformation_type not in ['rigid', 'affine']: raise ValueError('Transformation type not available in Dipy') # Set all parameters for registration nbins = 64 if fine else 32 params0 = None sampling_prop = None level_iters = [250, 100, 50, 25] if fine else [50, 25, 5] # With images too small, dipy fails with no clear warning. if (np.any(np.asarray(moving.shape) < 8) or np.any(np.asarray(static.shape) < 8)): raise ValueError("Current implementation of registration was prepared " "with factors up to 8. Requires images with at least " "8 voxels in each direction.") sigmas = [8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0] if fine else [8.0, 4.0, 2.0] factors = [8, 4, 2, 1.0] if fine else [8, 4, 2] metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins, sampling_prop) reg_obj = AffineRegistration(metric=metric, level_iters=level_iters, sigmas=sigmas, factors=factors, verbosity=0) # First, align the center of mass of both volume c_of_mass = transform_centers_of_mass(static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world) # Then, rigid transformation (translation + rotation) transform = RigidTransform3D() rigid = reg_obj.optimize(static, moving, transform, params0, static_grid2world, moving_grid2world, starting_affine=c_of_mass.affine) if transformation_type == 'affine': # Finally, affine transformation (translation + rotation + scaling) transform = AffineTransform3D() affine = reg_obj.optimize(static, moving, transform, params0, static_grid2world, moving_grid2world, starting_affine=rigid.affine) mapper = affine transformation = affine.affine else: mapper = rigid transformation = rigid.affine if dwi is not None: trans_dwi = transform_dwi(mapper, static, dwi) return trans_dwi, transformation else: return mapper.transform(moving), transformation
[docs] def compute_snr(dwi, bval, bvec, b0_thr, mask, noise_mask=None, noise_map=None, split_shells=False): """ Computes the SNR. One SNR per DWI volume is computed, with SNR = mean(data) / std(noise) Where - mean is the mean of all DWI voxels inside your given mask. - std is the standard deviatation of the noise. For instance, you could want to use std of the background. Here, we use: - noise_map[mask] if noise_map is provided - data[noise_mask] if noise_mask is provided - data[automatic_mask] if neither are provided: we will try to discover a noise_mask automatically in the background (from the upper half, to avoid using neck and shoulder). Parameters ---------- dwi: nib.Nifti1Image DWI file in nibabel format. bval: array Array containing bvalues (from bvec: array Array containing bvectors (from b0_thr: int Threshold to define b0 minimum value. mask: nib.Nifti1Image Mask file in nibabel format. noise_mask: nib.Nifti1Image, optional Noise mask file in nibabel format. Only one of noise_mask or noise_map may be used. noise_map: nib.Nifti1Image, optional Noise map file in nibabel format. Only one of noise_mask or noise_map may be used. split_shells: bool If true, we will only work with one b-value per shell (the discovered centroids). Returns ------- val: dict Dictionary of values (bvec, bval, mean, std, snr) for all volumes. noise_mask: np.ndarray or None The noise_mask that was used; either None (if noise_map was given), or the given mask, or the discovered mask. """ data = dwi.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) mask = get_data_as_mask(mask, dtype=bool) if split_shells: centroids, shell_indices = identify_shells(bval, tol=40.0, round_centroids=False, sort=False) bval = centroids[shell_indices] b0s_location = bval <= b0_thr if not np.any(b0s_location): raise ValueError('You should ajust b0_thr (currently {}). No b0 was ' 'found.'.format(b0_thr)) if noise_map and noise_mask: raise ValueError("Please only use either noise_map or noise_mask, not " "both.") elif noise_map: data_noisemap = noise_map.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) else: if noise_mask is None:"No noise mask given. Trying to discover " "automatically from the upper half of the image " "(typically allowing to exlude neck and shoulder, " "if any).") # Note median_otsu is ~BET b0_mask, noise_mask = median_otsu(data, vol_idx=b0s_location) # we inflate the mask, then invert it to recover only the noise noise_mask = binary_dilation(noise_mask, iterations=10).squeeze() # Add the upper half in order to delete the neck and shoulder # when inverting the mask noise_mask[..., :noise_mask.shape[-1]//2] = 1 # Reverse the mask to get only noise noise_mask = (~noise_mask).astype(bool) automatic_noise_mask = True else: noise_mask = get_data_as_mask(noise_mask, dtype=bool).squeeze() automatic_noise_mask = False'Number of voxels found in noise mask : {} / {}' .format(np.count_nonzero(noise_mask), np.size(noise_mask))) # Val = np array (mean_signal, std_noise) val = {0: {'bvec': [0, 0, 0], 'bval': 0, 'mean': 0, 'std': 0}} for idx in range(data.shape[-1]): val[idx] = {'bvec': bvec[idx], 'bval': bval[idx], 'mean': np.mean(data[..., idx][mask > 0])} if noise_map: val[idx]['std'] = np.std(data_noisemap[mask > 0]) else: val[idx]['std'] = np.std(data[..., idx][noise_mask]) if val[idx]['std'] == 0: if automatic_noise_mask: raise ValueError("No noise in the background such as " "discovered automatically. Please give " "your own noise_mask for more accuracy.") else: raise ValueError('Your noise mask does not capture any ' 'noise (std=0). Please check your noise ' 'mask.') val[idx]['snr'] = val[idx]['mean'] / val[idx]['std'] return val, noise_mask
[docs] def remove_outliers_ransac(in_data, min_fit, fit_thr, max_iter): """ Remove outliers from image using the RANSAC algorithm. Parameters ---------- in_data: np.ndarray The input. min_fit: int The minimum number of data values required to fit the model. fit_thr: float Threshold value for determining when a data point fits a model. max_iter: int The maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm. Returns ------- out_data: np.ndarray Data without outliers. """ init_shape = in_data.shape in_data_flat = in_data.flatten() in_nzr_ind = np.nonzero(in_data_flat) in_nzr_val = np.array(in_data_flat[in_nzr_ind]) X = in_nzr_ind[0][:, np.newaxis] model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor( base_estimator=linear_model.LinearRegression(), min_samples=min_fit, residual_threshold=fit_thr, max_trials=max_iter), in_nzr_val) outlier_mask = np.logical_not(model_ransac.inlier_mask_) outliers = X[outlier_mask]'# outliers: {}'.format(len(outliers))) in_data_flat[outliers] = 0 out_data = np.reshape(in_data_flat, init_shape) return out_data
[docs] def smooth_to_fwhm(data, fwhm): """ Smooth a volume to given FWHM. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray 3D or 4D data. If it is 4D, processing invidually on each volume (on the last dimension) fwhm: float Full width at half maximum. """ if fwhm > 0: # converting fwhm to Gaussian std gauss_std = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) if len(data.shape) == 3: data_smooth = gaussian_filter(data, sigma=gauss_std) elif len(data.shape) == 4: data_smooth = np.zeros(data.shape) for v in range(data.shape[-1]): data_smooth[..., v] = gaussian_filter(data[..., v], sigma=gauss_std) else: raise ValueError("Expecting a 3D or 4D volume.") return data_smooth else: return data
def _interp_code_to_order(interp_code): orders = {'nn': 0, 'lin': 1, 'quad': 2, 'cubic': 3} return orders[interp_code]
[docs] def resample_volume(img, ref_img=None, volume_shape=None, iso_min=False, voxel_res=None, interp='lin', enforce_dimensions=False): """ Function to resample a dataset to match the resolution of another reference dataset or to the resolution specified as in argument. One (and only one) of the following options must be chosen: ref, volume_shape, iso_min or voxel_res. Parameters ---------- img: nib.Nifti1Image Image to resample. ref_img: nib.Nifti1Image, optional Reference volume to resample to. This method is used only if ref is not None. (default: None) volume_shape: tuple, shape (3,) or int, optional Final shape to resample to. If the value it is set to is Y, it will resample to an isotropic shape of Y x Y x Y. This method is used only if volume_shape is not None. (default: None) iso_min: bool, optional If true, resample the volume to R x R x R resolution, with R being the smallest current voxel dimension. If false, this method is not used. voxel_res: tuple, shape (3,) or float, optional Set the zoom property of the image at the specified resolution. interp: str, optional Interpolation mode. 'nn' = nearest neighbour, 'lin' = linear, 'quad' = quadratic, 'cubic' = cubic. (Default: linear) enforce_dimensions: bool, optional If True, enforce the reference volume dimension (only if res is not None). (Default = False) Returns ------- resampled_image: nib.Nifti1Image Resampled image. """ data = np.asanyarray(img.dataobj) original_shape = data.shape affine = img.affine original_zooms = img.header.get_zooms()[:3] error_msg = ('Please only provide one option amongst ref_img, ' 'volume_shape, voxel_res or iso_min.') if ref_img is not None: if iso_min or voxel_res or volume_shape: raise ValueError(error_msg) new_zooms = ref_img.header.get_zooms()[:3] elif volume_shape is not None: if iso_min or voxel_res: raise ValueError(error_msg) if len(volume_shape) == 1: volume_shape = volume_shape * 3 new_zooms = tuple((o / v) * z for o, v, z in zip(original_shape, volume_shape, original_zooms)) elif iso_min: if voxel_res: raise ValueError(error_msg) min_zoom = min(original_zooms) new_zooms = (min_zoom, min_zoom, min_zoom) elif voxel_res: new_zooms = voxel_res if len(voxel_res) == 1: new_zooms = voxel_res * 3 else: raise ValueError("You must choose the resampling method. Either with" "a reference volume, or a chosen image shape, " "or chosen resolution, or option iso_min.") interp_choices = ['nn', 'lin', 'quad', 'cubic'] if interp not in interp_choices: raise ValueError("interp must be one of 'nn', 'lin', 'quad', 'cubic'.")'Data shape: %s', data.shape)'Data affine: %s', affine)'Data affine setup: %s', nib.aff2axcodes(affine))'Resampling data to %s with mode %s', new_zooms, interp) data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, original_zooms, new_zooms, _interp_code_to_order(interp))'Resampled data shape: %s', data2.shape)'Resampled data affine: %s', affine2)'Resampled data affine setup: %s', nib.aff2axcodes(affine2)) if enforce_dimensions: if ref_img is None: raise ValueError('enforce_dimensions can only be used with the ref' 'method.') else: computed_dims = data2.shape ref_dims = ref_img.shape[:3] if computed_dims != ref_dims: fix_dim_volume = np.zeros(ref_dims) x_dim = min(computed_dims[0], ref_dims[0]) y_dim = min(computed_dims[1], ref_dims[1]) z_dim = min(computed_dims[2], ref_dims[2]) fix_dim_volume[:x_dim, :y_dim, :z_dim] = \ data2[:x_dim, :y_dim, :z_dim] data2 = fix_dim_volume return nib.Nifti1Image(data2.astype(data.dtype), affine2)
[docs] def mask_data_with_default_cube(data): """Masks data outside a default cube (Cube: data.shape/3 centered) Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Volume data, 3D. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray Data masked """ shape = np.array(data.shape[:3]) roi_center = shape // 2 roi_radii = _roi_in_volume(shape, roi_center, shape // 3) roi_mask = _mask_from_roi(shape, roi_center, roi_radii) return data * roi_mask
[docs] def normalize_metric(metric, reverse=False): """ Normalize a metric array to a range between 0 and 1, optionally reversing the normalization. Parameters ---------- metric : ndarray The input metric array to be normalized. reverse : bool, optional If True, reverse the normalization (i.e., 1 - normalized value). Default is False. Returns ------- ndarray The normalized (and possibly reversed) metric array. NaN values in the input are retained. """ mask = np.isnan(metric) masked_metric = ma.masked_array(metric, mask) min_val, max_val = masked_metric.min(), masked_metric.max() normalized_metric = (masked_metric - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) if reverse: normalized_metric = 1 - normalized_metric return ma.filled(normalized_metric, fill_value=np.nan)
[docs] def merge_metrics(*arrays, beta=1.0): """ Merge an arbitrary number of metrics into a single heatmap using a weighted geometric mean, ignoring NaN values. Each input array contributes equally to the geometric mean, and the result is boosted by a specified factor. Parameters ---------- *arrays : ndarray An arbitrary number of input arrays (ndarrays). All arrays must have the same shape. beta : float, optional Boosting factor for the geometric mean. The default is 1.0. Returns ------- ndarray Boosted geometric mean of the inputs (same shape as the input arrays) NaN values in any input array are propagated to the output. """ # Create a mask for NaN values in any of the arrays mask = np.any([np.isnan(arr) for arr in arrays], axis=0) masked_arrays = [ma.masked_array(arr, mask) for arr in arrays] # Calculate the product of the arrays for the geometric mean array_product =, axis=0) # Calculate the geometric mean for valid data geometric_mean = np.power(array_product, 1 / len(arrays)) boosted_mean = geometric_mean ** beta return ma.filled(boosted_mean, fill_value=np.nan)