Source code for scilpy.image.volume_math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utility operations provided for

They basically act as wrappers around numpy to avoid installing MRtrix/FSL
to apply simple operations on nibabel images or numpy arrays.

Docstrings here are NOT typical docstrings: they are the doc printed with the
--help argument in those scripts.

Headers compatibility is NOT verified here. Verified in the main scripts.
import logging
from itertools import combinations
from collections import OrderedDict

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from import is_header_compatible
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks
from scipy.ndimage import (binary_closing, binary_dilation,
                           binary_erosion, binary_opening,
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu

from scilpy.utils import is_float

EPSILON = np.finfo(float).eps

[docs] def get_array_ops(): """Get a dictionary of all functions relating to array operations""" return OrderedDict([ ('lower_threshold', lower_threshold), ('upper_threshold', upper_threshold), ('lower_threshold_eq', lower_threshold_eq), ('upper_threshold_eq', upper_threshold_eq), ('lower_threshold_otsu', lower_threshold_otsu), ('upper_threshold_otsu', upper_threshold_otsu), ('lower_clip', lower_clip), ('upper_clip', upper_clip), ('absolute_value', absolute_value), ('round', around), ('ceil', ceil), ('floor', floor), ('normalize_sum', normalize_sum), ('normalize_max', normalize_max), ('log_10', base_10_log), ('log_e', natural_log), ('convert', convert), ('invert', invert), ('addition', addition), ('subtraction', subtraction), ('multiplication', multiplication), ('division', division), ('mean', mean), ('std', std), ('correlation', neighborhood_correlation), ('union', union), ('intersection', intersection), ('difference', difference), ])
[docs] def get_image_ops(): """Get a dictionary of all functions relating to image operations""" image_ops = get_array_ops() image_ops.update(OrderedDict([ ('concatenate', concatenate), ('dilation', dilation), ('erosion', erosion), ('closing', closing), ('opening', opening), ('blur', gaussian_blur) ])) return image_ops
[docs] def get_operations_doc(ops: dict): """From a dictionary mapping operation names to functions, fetch and join all documentations, using the provided names.""" full_doc = [] for func in ops.values(): full_doc.append(func.__doc__) return "".join(full_doc)
def _validate_same_shape(*imgs): """Make sure that all shapes match.""" ref_img = imgs[-1] for img in imgs: if not np.all(ref_img.header.get_data_shape() == img.header.get_data_shape()): raise ValueError('Not all inputs have the same shape!') def _validate_imgs_type(*imgs): """Make sure that all inputs are images.""" for img in imgs: if not isinstance(img, nib.Nifti1Image): raise ValueError('Inputs are not all images. Received a {} when ' 'we were expecting an image.'.format(type(img))) def _validate_length(input_list, length, at_least=False): """Make sure that the input list has the right number of arguments (length).""" if at_least: if not len(input_list) >= length: raise ValueError('This operation requires at least {}' ' operands.'.format(length)) else: if not len(input_list) == length: raise ValueError('This operation requires exactly {} ' 'operands.'.format(length)) def _validate_type(x, dtype): """Make sure that the input has the right type.""" if not isinstance(x, dtype): raise ValueError('The input must be of type {} for this' ' operation.'.format(dtype)) def _validate_float(x): """Make sure that the input can be cast to a float.""" if not is_float(x): raise ValueError('The input must be float/int for this operation.') def _get_neighbors(data, radius): """ For each voxel of the input data, returns a patch of the local neighborhood. Data is padded with zeros for the neighborhood of border voxels. Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray The data of shape [X, Y, Z]. radius: int Neighborhoods will be cubes of size M = 2 * patch_radius + 1 centered at each voxel. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray The shape of the output will be 6D: [X, Y, Z, M, M, M] Ex: data[0, 0, 0, :, :, :] is the neighborhood at voxel [0, 0, 0]. """ patch_size = 2 * radius + 1 # Padding first dimension to have 2 patches fitting on first dimension. # (If pad_size is 0, will at least ensure that data is a np.array.) pad_size = (patch_size - 1) // 2 data = np.pad(data, (pad_size, pad_size), mode='constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) # Preparing types for the call. padded_shape = np.array(data.shape) patch_size = np.asanyarray([patch_size] * 3) # Note. np.r_: Stacks arrays along their first axis. # Preparing strides: 6 dimensions. [sx*strd, sy*strd, sz*strd, sx, sy, sz] strides = np.r_[data.strides, data.strides] # Preparing dims: 6 dimensions. [nb1, nb2, nb3, B1, B2, B3] nbl = (padded_shape - patch_size) + 1 dims = np.r_[nbl, patch_size] # Splitting data data = stride_tricks.as_strided(data, strides=strides, shape=dims) return data
[docs] def lower_threshold_otsu(input_list, ref_img): """ lower_threshold_otsu: IMG All values below or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero. All values above the Otsu threshold will be set to one. (Otsu's method is an algorithm to perform automatic image thresholding of the background.) """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) threshold = threshold_otsu(data) output_data[data <= threshold] = 0 output_data[data > threshold] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def upper_threshold_otsu(input_list, ref_img): """ upper_threshold_otsu: IMG All values below the Otsu threshold will be set to one. All values above or equal to the Otsu threshold will be set to zero. Equivalent to lower_threshold_otsu followed by an inversion. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) threshold = threshold_otsu(data) output_data[data < threshold] = 1 output_data[data >= threshold] = 0 return output_data
[docs] def lower_threshold_eq(input_list, ref_img): """ lower_threshold_eq: IMG THRESHOLD All values below the threshold will be set to zero. All values above or equal the threshold will be set to one. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data[data < input_list[1]] = 0 output_data[data >= input_list[1]] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def upper_threshold_eq(input_list, ref_img): """ upper_threshold_eq: IMG THRESHOLD All values below or equal the threshold will be set to one. All values above the threshold will be set to zero. Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data[data <= input_list[1]] = 1 output_data[data > input_list[1]] = 0 return output_data
[docs] def lower_threshold(input_list, ref_img): """ lower_threshold: IMG THRESHOLD All values below the threshold will be set to zero. All values above the threshold will be set to one. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data[data <= input_list[1]] = 0 output_data[data > input_list[1]] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def upper_threshold(input_list, ref_img): """ upper_threshold: IMG THRESHOLD All values below the threshold will be set to one. All values above the threshold will be set to zero. Equivalent to lower_threshold followed by an inversion. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data[data < input_list[1]] = 1 output_data[data >= input_list[1]] = 0 return output_data
[docs] def lower_clip(input_list, ref_img): """ lower_clip: IMG THRESHOLD All values below the threshold will be set to threshold. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return np.clip(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), input_list[1], None)
[docs] def upper_clip(input_list, ref_img): """ upper_clip: IMG THRESHOLD All values above the threshold will be set to threshold. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return np.clip(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), None, input_list[1])
[docs] def absolute_value(input_list, ref_img): """ absolute_value: IMG All negative values will become positive. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) return np.abs(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def around(input_list, ref_img): """ round: IMG Round all decimal values to the closest integer. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) return np.round(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def ceil(input_list, ref_img): """ ceil: IMG Ceil all decimal values to the next integer. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) return np.ceil(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def floor(input_list, ref_img): """ floor: IMG Floor all decimal values to the previous integer. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) return np.floor(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def normalize_sum(input_list, ref_img): """ normalize_sum: IMG Normalize the image so the sum of all values is one. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) return data / np.sum(data)
[docs] def normalize_max(input_list, ref_img): """ normalize_max: IMG Normalize the image so the maximum value is one. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) return data / np.max(data)
[docs] def base_10_log(input_list, ref_img): """ log_10: IMG Apply a log (base 10) to all non zeros values of an image. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.float64) output_data[data > EPSILON] = np.log10(data[data > EPSILON]) output_data[np.abs(output_data) < EPSILON] = -65536 return output_data
[docs] def natural_log(input_list, ref_img): """ log_e: IMG Apply a natural log to all non zeros values of an image. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.float64) output_data[data > EPSILON] = np.log(data[data > EPSILON]) output_data[np.abs(output_data) < EPSILON] = -65536 return output_data
[docs] def convert(input_list, ref_img): """ convert: IMG Perform no operation, but simply change the data type. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) return input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def addition(input_list, ref_img): """ addition: IMGs Add multiple images together. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2, at_least=True) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) for img in input_list: if isinstance(img, nib.Nifti1Image): data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data += data img.uncache() else: output_data += img return output_data
[docs] def subtraction(input_list, ref_img): """ subtraction: IMG_1 IMG_2 Subtract first image by the second (IMG_1 - IMG_2). """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image): data_1 = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_1 = input_list[0] if isinstance(input_list[1], nib.Nifti1Image): data_2 = input_list[1].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_2 = input_list[1] output_data += data_1 return output_data - data_2
[docs] def multiplication(input_list, ref_img): """ multiplication: IMGs Multiply multiple images together (danger of underflow and overflow) """ _validate_length(input_list, 2, at_least=True) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.ones(ref_img.header.get_data_shape()) if isinstance(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image): output_data *= input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: output_data *= input_list[0] for img in input_list[1:]: if isinstance(img, nib.Nifti1Image): data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data *= data img.uncache() else: output_data *= img return output_data
[docs] def division(input_list, ref_img): """ division: IMG_1 IMG_2 Divide first image by the second (danger of underflow and overflow) Ignore zeros values, excluded from the operation. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image): data_1 = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_1 = input_list[0] if isinstance(input_list[1], nib.Nifti1Image): data_2 = input_list[1].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_2 = input_list[1] output_data += data_1 output_data[data_2 != 0] /= data_2[data_2 != 0] return output_data
[docs] def mean(input_list, ref_img): """ mean: IMGs Compute the mean of images. If a single 4D image is provided, average along the last dimension. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1, at_least=True) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) if len(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) > 3: if not len(input_list) == 1: raise ValueError( 'This operation with 4D data only support one operand.') else: if len(input_list) == 1: raise ValueError( 'This operation with only one operand requires 4D data.') if len(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) > 3: return np.average(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), axis=-1) else: return addition(input_list, ref_img) / len(input_list)
[docs] def std(input_list, ref_img): """ std: IMGs Compute the standard deviation average of multiple images. If a single 4D image is provided, compute the STD along the last dimension. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1, at_least=True) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) if len(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) > 3: if not len(input_list) == 1: raise ValueError( 'This operation with 4D data only support one operand.') else: if len(input_list) == 1: raise ValueError( 'This operation with only one operand requires 4D data.') if len(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) > 3: return np.std(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), axis=-1) else: mean_data = mean(input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.zeros(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) for img in input_list: if isinstance(img, nib.Nifti1Image): data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data += (data - mean_data) ** 2 img.uncache() else: output_data += (img - mean_data) ** 2 return np.sqrt(output_data / len(input_list))
[docs] def union(input_list, ref_img): """ union: IMGs Operation on binary image to keep voxels, that are non-zero, in at least one file. """ # Tests and checks done in addition. output_data = addition(input_list, ref_img) output_data[output_data != 0] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def intersection(input_list, ref_img): """ intersection: IMGs Operation on binary image to keep the voxels, that are non-zero, are present in all files. """ # Tests and checks done in multiplication output_data = multiplication(input_list, ref_img) output_data[output_data != 0] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def difference(input_list, ref_img): """ difference: IMG_1 IMG_2 Operation on binary image to keep voxels from the first file that are not in the second file (non-zeros). """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) output_data = np.zeros(ref_img.header.get_data_shape(), dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image): data_1 = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_1 = input_list[0] if isinstance(input_list[1], nib.Nifti1Image): data_2 = input_list[1].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) else: data_2 = input_list[1] output_data[data_1 != 0] = 1 output_data[data_2 != 0] = 0 return output_data
[docs] def invert(input_list, ref_img): """ invert: IMG Operation on binary image to interchange 0s and 1s in a binary mask. """ _validate_length(input_list, 1) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) data = input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) output_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.float64) output_data[data != 0] = 0 output_data[data == 0] = 1 return output_data
[docs] def concatenate(input_list, ref_img): """ concatenate: IMGs Concatenate a list of 3D and 4D images into a single 4D image. """ _validate_imgs_type(*input_list, ref_img) if len(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape()) > 4: raise ValueError('Concatenate requires 3D or 4D arrays, but got ' '{}'.format(input_list[0].header.get_data_shape())) input_data = [] for img in input_list: data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float64) if len(img.header.get_data_shape()) == 4: data = np.rollaxis(data, 3) for i in range(0, len(data)): input_data.append(data[i]) else: input_data.append(data) img.uncache() return np.rollaxis(np.stack(input_data), axis=0, start=4)
def _corrcoef_no_nan(data): """ Correlation between two small data arrays, but with our management of NaNs. See explanation in neighborhood_correlation docstring. Parameters ---------- data: np.array of shape (patch_size**3 * 2, ) The concatenated, flattened, vectors: [data1_flattened, data2_flattened] """ a, b = np.split(data, 2) eps = 1e-6 # If, in at least one patch, all values are the same, we get NaN. # Ex: compare a patch of ones with a patch of twos: # >> np.corrcoef(np.ones(27), 2*np.ones(27)) # We chose to return: # - 0 if at least one neighborhood was entirely containing background # (note that here, we will never have both backgrounds because of the # indices in the function call, but it is still covered) # - 1 if the voxel's neighborhoods are uniform in both images (ex, uniform # gray matter in both images). # - 0 if the voxel's neighborhoods is uniform in one image, but not the # other (ex, uniform gray matter in a, noisy gray matter in b). is_background_a = not np.any(a) is_background_b = not np.any(b) if is_background_a or is_background_b: return 0.0 if np.std(a) < eps and np.std(b) < eps: # Both uniform and non-background return 1.0 elif np.std(a) < eps or np.std(b) < eps: # Only one is uniform return 0.0 # If we reach here, corrcoef should not return a NaN corr = np.corrcoef(a, b, dtype=np.float32)[0, 1] return corr
[docs] def neighborhood_correlation(input_list, ref_img): """ correlation: IMGs Computes the correlation of the 3x3x3 neighborhood of each voxel, for all pair of input images. The final image is the average correlation (through all pairs). For a given pair of images - Background is considered as 0. May lead to very high correlations close to the border of the background regions, or very poor ones if the background in both images differ. - Images are zero-padded. For the same reason as higher, may lead to very high correlations if you have data close to the border of the image. - NaN values (if a voxel's neighborhood is entirely uniform; std 0) are replaced by - 0 if at least one neighborhood was entirely containing background. - 1 if the voxel's neighborhoods are uniform in both images - 0 if the voxel's neighborhoods is uniform in one image, but not the other. UPDATE AS OF VERSION 2.0: Random noise was previously added in the process to help avoid NaN values. Now replaced by either 0 or 1 as explained above. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2, at_least=True) _validate_imgs_type(*input_list, ref_img) _validate_same_shape(*input_list, ref_img) return neighborhood_correlation_(input_list)
[docs] def neighborhood_correlation_(input_list): """ Same as above (neighborhood_correlation) but without the verifications required for input_list can be a list of images or a list of arrays. """ data_shape = input_list[0].shape combs = list(combinations(range(len(input_list)), r=2)) all_corr = np.zeros(data_shape + (len(combs),), dtype=np.float32) patch_radius = 1 # Using a 3x3x3 neighborhood. Slow enough as it is. patch_size = 2 * patch_radius + 1 np.random.seed(0) # For each pair of input images: # Possibly loads images twice. Other option is to load all images in # memory at once. for i, comb in enumerate(combs): logging.debug("Computing correlation map for one pair of input " "images.") img_1 = input_list[comb[0]] img_2 = input_list[comb[1]] if isinstance(img_1, nib.Nifti1Image): data_1 = img_1.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) else: data_1 = img_1 if isinstance(img_2, nib.Nifti1Image): data_2 = img_2.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) else: data_2 = img_2 patches_1 = _get_neighbors(data_1, patch_radius) patches_2 = _get_neighbors(data_2, patch_radius) patches_shape = patches_1.shape nb_patches =[0:3]) patches_1 = patches_1.reshape((nb_patches, patch_size ** 3)) patches_2 = patches_2.reshape((nb_patches, patch_size ** 3)) patches = np.concatenate((patches_1, patches_2), axis=-1) # Removing union of background from data. Already managed in the # _corrcoef_no_nan method, but accelerating the process non_zeros_patches = np.sum(patches, axis=-1) non_zeros_ids = np.where(np.abs(non_zeros_patches) > 1e-6)[0] results = np.zeros((len(patches)), dtype=np.float32) tmp = np.apply_along_axis( _corrcoef_no_nan, axis=1, arr=patches[non_zeros_ids, :]) results[non_zeros_ids] = tmp all_corr[..., i] = results.reshape(patches_shape[0:3]) return np.mean(all_corr, axis=-1)
[docs] def dilation(input_list, ref_img): """ dilation: IMG, VALUE Binary morphological operation to spatially extend the values of an image to their neighbors. VALUE is in voxels. If VALUE is 0, the dilation is repeated until the result does not change anymore. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return binary_dilation(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), iterations=int(input_list[1]))
[docs] def erosion(input_list, ref_img): """ erosion: IMG, VALUE Binary morphological operation to spatially shrink the volume contained in a binary image. VALUE is in voxels. If VALUE is 0, the erosion is repeated until the result does not change anymore. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return binary_erosion(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), iterations=int(input_list[1]))
[docs] def closing(input_list, ref_img): """ closing: IMG, VALUE Binary morphological operation, dilation followed by an erosion. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return binary_closing(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), iterations=int(input_list[1]))
[docs] def opening(input_list, ref_img): """ opening: IMG, VALUE Binary morphological operation, erosion followed by a dilation. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) return binary_opening(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), iterations=int(input_list[1]))
[docs] def gaussian_blur(input_list, ref_img): """ blur: IMG, VALUE Apply a gaussian blur to a single image. VALUE is sigma, the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel. """ _validate_length(input_list, 2) _validate_type(input_list[0], nib.Nifti1Image) _validate_float(input_list[1]) # Data is always 3D, using directly scipy. See also # scilpy.image.volume_operations : smooth_to_fwhm. return gaussian_filter(input_list[0].get_fdata(dtype=np.float64), sigma=input_list[1])