Source code for scilpy.image.labels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import inspect
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

[docs] def get_data_as_labels(in_img): """ Get data as label (force type np.uint16), check data type before casting. Parameters ---------- in_img: nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image Image. Return ------ data: numpy.ndarray Data (dtype: np.uint16). """ curr_type = in_img.get_data_dtype() if np.issubdtype(curr_type, np.signedinteger) or \ np.issubdtype(curr_type, np.unsignedinteger): return np.asanyarray(in_img.dataobj).astype(np.uint16) else: basename = os.path.basename(in_img.get_filename()) raise IOError('The image {} cannot be loaded as label because ' 'its format {} is not compatible with a label ' 'image'.format(basename, curr_type))
[docs] def get_lut_dir(): """ Return LUT directory in scilpy repository Returns ------- lut_dir: string LUT path """ # Get the valid LUT choices. import scilpy # ToDo. Is this the only way? module_path = inspect.getfile(scilpy) lut_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(module_path)) + "/data/LUT/") return lut_dir
[docs] def split_labels(labels_volume, label_indices): """ For each label in list, return a separate volume containing only that label. Parameters ---------- labels_volume: np.ndarray A 3D volume. label_indices: list or np.array The list of labels to extract. Returns ------- split_data: list One 3D volume per label. """ split_data = [] for label in label_indices: label_occurences = np.where(labels_volume == int(label)) if len(label_occurences) != 0: split_label = np.zeros(labels_volume.shape, dtype=np.uint16) split_label[label_occurences] = label split_data.append(split_label) else:"Label {} not present in the image.".format(label)) split_data.append(None) return split_data
[docs] def remove_labels(labels_volume, label_indices, background_id=0): """ Remove given labels from the volume. Parameters ---------- labels_volume: np.ndarray The volume (as labels). label_indices: list List of labels indices to remove. background_id: int Value used for removed labels """ for index in np.unique(label_indices): mask = labels_volume == index labels_volume[mask] = background_id if np.count_nonzero(mask) == 0: logging.warning("Label {} was not in the volume".format(index)) return labels_volume
[docs] def combine_labels(data_list, indices_per_input_volume, out_labels_choice, background_id=0, merge_groups=False): """ Parameters ---------- data_list: list List of np.ndarray. Data as labels. indices_per_input_volume: list[np.ndarray] List of np.ndarray containing the indices to use in each input volume. out_labels_choice: tuple(str, any) Tuple of a string expressing the choice of output option and the associated necessary value. Choices are: ('all_labels'): Keeps values from the input volumes, or with merge_groups, used the volumes ordering. ('out_label_ids', list): Out labels will be renamed as given from the list. ('unique'): Out labels will be renamed to range from 1 to total_nb_labels (+ the background). ('group_in_m'): Add (x * 10 000) to each volume labels, where x is the input volume order number. background_id: int Background id, excluded from output. The value is also used as output background value. Default : 0. merge_groups: bool If true, indices from indices_per_input_volume will be merged for each volume, as a single label. Can only be used with 'all_labels' or 'out_label_ids'. Default: False. """ assert out_labels_choice[0] in ['all_labels', 'out_labels_ids', 'unique', 'group_in_m'] if merge_groups and out_labels_choice[0] in ['unique', 'group_in_m']: raise ValueError("Merge groups cannot be used together with " "'unique' in 'group_in_m options.") nb_volumes = len(data_list) filtered_ids_per_vol = [] total_nb_input_ids = 0 # Remove background labels for id_list in indices_per_input_volume: id_list = np.asarray(id_list) new_ids = id_list[~np.in1d(id_list, background_id)] filtered_ids_per_vol.append(new_ids) total_nb_input_ids += len(new_ids) # Prepare output ids. if out_labels_choice[0] == 'out_labels_ids': out_labels = out_labels_choice[1] if merge_groups: assert len(out_labels) == nb_volumes, \ "Expecting {} output labels.".format(nb_volumes) else: assert len(out_labels) == total_nb_input_ids elif out_labels_choice[0] == 'unique': stack = np.hstack(filtered_ids_per_vol) ids = np.arange(len(stack) + 1) out_labels = np.setdiff1d(ids, background_id)[:len(stack)] elif out_labels_choice[0] == 'group_in_m': m_list = [] for i in range(len(filtered_ids_per_vol)): prefix = i * 10000 m_list.append(prefix + np.asarray(filtered_ids_per_vol[i])) out_labels = np.hstack(m_list) else: # all_labels if merge_groups: out_labels = np.arange(nb_volumes) + 1 else: out_labels = np.hstack(filtered_ids_per_vol) if len(np.unique(out_labels)) != len(out_labels): logging.warning("The same output label number will be used for " "multiple inputs!") # Create the resulting volume current_id = 0 resulting_labels = (np.ones_like(data_list[0], dtype=np.uint16) * background_id) for i in range(nb_volumes): # Loop on ids for this volume. for this_id in filtered_ids_per_vol[i]: mask = data_list[i] == this_id if np.count_nonzero(mask) == 0: logging.warning( "Label {} was not in the volume".format(this_id)) if merge_groups: resulting_labels[mask] = out_labels[i] else: resulting_labels[mask] = out_labels[current_id] current_id += 1 return resulting_labels
[docs] def dilate_labels(data, vox_size, distance, nbr_processes, labels_to_dilate=None, labels_not_to_dilate=None, labels_to_fill=None, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- data: np.ndarray The data (as labels) to dilate. vox_size: np.ndarray(1, 3) The voxel size. distance: float Maximal distance to dilate (in mm). nbr_processes: int Number of processes. labels_to_dilate: list, optional Label list to dilate. By default it dilates all labels not in labels_to_fill nor in labels_not_to_dilate. labels_not_to_dilate: list, optional Label list not to dilate. labels_to_fill: list, optional Background id / labels to be filled. The first one is given as output background value. Default: [0] mask: np.ndarray, optional Only dilate values inside the mask. """ if labels_to_fill is None: labels_to_fill = [0] img_shape = data.shape # Check if in both: label_to_fill & not_to_fill fill_and_not = np.intersect1d(labels_not_to_dilate, labels_to_fill) if len(fill_and_not) > 0: logging.error("Error, both in not_to_dilate and to_fill: {}".format( np.asarray(labels_not_to_dilate)[fill_and_not])) # Create background mask is_background_mask = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=bool) for i in labels_to_fill: is_background_mask = np.logical_or(is_background_mask, data == i) # Create not_to_dilate mask (initialized to background) not_to_dilate = np.copy(is_background_mask) for i in labels_not_to_dilate: not_to_dilate = np.logical_or(not_to_dilate, data == i) # Add mask if mask is not None: to_dilate_mask = np.logical_and(is_background_mask, mask) else: to_dilate_mask = is_background_mask # Create label mask is_label_mask = ~not_to_dilate if labels_to_dilate is not None: # Check if in both: to_dilate & not_to_dilate dil_and_not = np.in1d(labels_to_dilate, labels_not_to_dilate) if np.any(dil_and_not): logging.error("Error, both in dilate and Not to dilate: {}".format( np.asarray(labels_to_dilate)[dil_and_not])) # Check if in both: to_dilate & to_fill dil_and_fill = np.in1d(labels_to_dilate, labels_to_fill) if np.any(dil_and_fill): logging.error("Error, both in dilate and to fill: {}".format( np.asarray(labels_to_dilate)[dil_and_fill])) # Create new label to dilate list new_label_mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) for i in labels_to_dilate: new_label_mask = np.logical_or(new_label_mask, data == i) # Combine both new_label_mask and not_to_dilate is_label_mask = np.logical_and(new_label_mask, ~not_to_dilate) # Get the list of indices background_pos = np.argwhere(to_dilate_mask) * vox_size label_pos = np.argwhere(is_label_mask) * vox_size ckd_tree = cKDTree(label_pos) # Compute the nearest labels for each voxel of the background dist, indices = ckd_tree.query( background_pos, k=1, distance_upper_bound=distance, workers=nbr_processes) # Associate indices to the nearest label (in distance) valid_nearest = np.squeeze(np.isfinite(dist)) id_background = np.flatnonzero(to_dilate_mask)[valid_nearest] id_label = np.flatnonzero(is_label_mask)[indices[valid_nearest]] # Change values of those background data = data.flatten() data[id_background.T] = data[id_label.T] data = data.reshape(img_shape) return data
[docs] def get_stats_in_label(map_data, label_data, label_lut): """ Get statistics about a map for each label in an atlas. Parameters ---------- map_data: np.ndarray The map from which to get statistics. label_data: np.ndarray The loaded atlas. label_lut: dict The loaded label LUT (look-up table). Returns ------- out_dict: dict A dict with one key per label name, and its values are the computed statistics. """ (label_indices, label_names) = zip(*label_lut.items()) out_dict = {} for label, name in zip(label_indices, label_names): label = int(label) if label != 0: curr_data = (map_data[np.where(label_data == label)]) nb_vx_roi = np.count_nonzero(label_data == label) nb_seed_vx = np.count_nonzero(curr_data) if nb_seed_vx != 0: mean_seed = np.sum(curr_data) / nb_seed_vx max_seed = np.max(curr_data) std_seed = np.sqrt(np.mean(abs(curr_data[curr_data != 0] - mean_seed) ** 2)) out_dict[name] = {'ROI-idx': label, 'ROI-name': str(name), 'nb-vx-roi': int(nb_vx_roi), 'nb-vx-seed': int(nb_seed_vx), 'max': int(max_seed), 'mean': float(mean_seed), 'std': float(std_seed)} return out_dict