Source code for scilpy.gradients.gen_gradient_sampling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Most of this code was modified from code by Emmanuel Caruyer

See his original code on GitHub:

The code was reorganized, but general process is kept the same.

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

from scilpy.gradients.utils import random_uniform_on_sphere

[docs] def generate_gradient_sampling(nb_samples_per_shell, verbose=1): """ Wrapper code to generate gradient sampling from Caruyer's Code to generate multiple-shell gradient sampling, with optimal angular coverage. This implements the method described in Caruyer et al., MRM 69(6), pp. 1534-1540, 2013. Generates the bvecs of a multiple shell gradient sampling using generalized Jones electrostatic repulsion. Parameters ---------- nb_samples_per_shell: list[int] Number of samples for each shell, starting from lowest. verbose: int 0 = silent, 1 = summary upon completion, 2 = print iterations (To be sent to scipy). Return ------ bvecs: numpy.array of shape [n, 3] bvecs normalized to 1. shell_idx: numpy.array Shell index for each bvec. """ nb_shells = len(nb_samples_per_shell) # Groups of shells and relative coupling weights shell_groups = () for i in range(nb_shells): shell_groups += ([i],) shell_groups += (list(range(nb_shells)),) alphas = list(len(shell_groups) * (1.0,)) weights = _compute_weights(nb_shells, nb_samples_per_shell, shell_groups, alphas) # Where the optimized gradient sampling is computed # max_iter hardcoded to fit default Caruyer's value bvecs = _generate_gradient_sampling_with_weights( nb_shells, nb_samples_per_shell, weights, max_iter=100, verbose=verbose) shell_idx = np.repeat(range(nb_shells), nb_samples_per_shell) return bvecs, shell_idx
def _compute_weights(nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, shell_groups, alphas): """ Computes the weights array from a set of shell groups to couple, and coupling weights. Parameters ---------- nb_shells: int Number of shells nb_points_per_shell: list of ints Number of points per shell shell_groups: tuple tuple listing the groups of shells as lists of indices alphas: list list of weights per group of shells Returns ------- weights: nd.ndarray weigths for each group of shells """ weights = np.zeros((nb_shells, nb_shells)) for shell_group, alpha in zip(shell_groups, alphas): total_nb_points = 0 for shell_id in shell_group: total_nb_points += nb_points_per_shell[shell_id] for i in shell_group: for j in shell_group: weights[i, j] += alpha / total_nb_points**2 return weights def _generate_gradient_sampling_with_weights( nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights, max_iter=100, verbose=2): """ Creates a set of sampling directions on the desired number of shells. Parameters ---------- nb_shells : int The number of shells nb_points_per_shell : list, shape (nb_shells,) A list of integers containing the number of points on each shell. weights : array-like, shape (S, S) weighting parameter, control coupling between shells and how this balances. max_iter: int Maximum number of interations Returns ------- bvecs : array shape (K, 3) where K is the total number of points The points are stored by shell. """ # Total number of points nb_point_total = np.sum(nb_points_per_shell) # Initialized with random directions bvecs = random_uniform_on_sphere(nb_point_total) bvecs = bvecs.reshape(nb_point_total * 3) bvecs = optimize.fmin_slsqp(_multiple_shell_energy, bvecs, f_eqcons=_constraint_is_bvec_on_sphere, fprime=_grad_multiple_shell_energy, iter=max_iter, acc=1.0e-9, args=(nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights), iprint=verbose) bvecs = bvecs.reshape((nb_point_total, 3)) bvecs = (bvecs.T / np.sqrt((bvecs ** 2).sum(1))).T return bvecs def _multiple_shell_energy(bvecs, nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights): """ Objective function (cost function) for multiple-shell energy. This is the main function called during optimization, used as func(x, *args) with args = (nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights) Parameters ---------- bvecs : array-like shape (N * 3,) The bvecs nb_shells: int Number of shells. nb_points_per_shell: list of ints, len(Ks) = S. Number of points per shell. weights : array-like, shape (S, S) Weighting parameter, control coupling between shells and how this balances. Returns ------- electrostatic_repulsion: float Sum of all interactions between any two vectors. """ nb_points_total = np.sum(nb_points_per_shell) indices = np.cumsum(nb_points_per_shell).tolist() indices.insert(0, 0) weight_matrix = np.zeros((nb_points_total, nb_points_total)) for s1 in range(nb_shells): for s2 in range(nb_shells): weight_matrix[indices[s1]:indices[s1 + 1], indices[s2]:indices[s2 + 1]] = weights[s1, s2] return _electrostatic_repulsion_energy(bvecs, weight_matrix) def _electrostatic_repulsion_energy(bvecs, weight_matrix, alpha=1.0): """ Electrostatic-repulsion objective function. The alpha parameter controls the power repulsion (energy varies as $1 / ralpha$). Parameters --------- bvecs : array-like shape (N * 3,) Vectors, flattened. weight_matrix: array-like, shape (N, N) The contribution weight of each pair of points. alpha : float Controls the power of the repulsion. Default is 1.0 Returns ------- energy : float sum of all interactions between any two vectors. """ epsilon = 1e-9 nb_bvecs = bvecs.shape[0] // 3 bvecs = bvecs.reshape((nb_bvecs, 3)) energy = 0.0 for i in range(nb_bvecs): indices = (np.arange(nb_bvecs) > i) diffs = ((bvecs[indices] - bvecs[i]) ** 2).sum(1) ** alpha sums = ((bvecs[indices] + bvecs[i]) ** 2).sum(1) ** alpha energy += (weight_matrix[i, indices] * (1.0 / (diffs + epsilon) + 1.0 / (sums + epsilon))).sum() return energy def _constraint_is_bvec_on_sphere(bvecs, *args): """ Spherical equality constraint. Returns 0 if bvecs lies on the unit sphere. This is used as f_eqcons(x, *args), where args = (nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights) (We do not need args here, but it is sent by scipy and must be kept here.) Parameters ---------- bvecs : array-like shape (N * 3) Vectors, flattened. Returns ------- array shape (N,) : Difference between squared vector norms and 1. """ nb_bvecs = int(bvecs.shape[0] / 3) bvecs = bvecs.reshape((nb_bvecs, 3)) return (bvecs ** 2).sum(1) - 1.0 def _grad_multiple_shell_energy(bvecs, nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights): """ Gradient of the objective function for multiple shells sampling. This is called as fprime(x, *args) during optimization, with args = (nb_shells, nb_points_per_shell, weights) Parameters ---------- bvecs : array-like shape (N * 3,) The b-vectors, flattened. nb_shells : int Number of shells nb_points_per_shell : list of ints Number of points per shell. weights : array-like, shape (S, S) Weighting parameter, control coupling between shells and how this balances. Returns ------- grad_electrostatic_repulsion: float Gradient of the objective function. """ nb_bvecs = int(bvecs.shape[0] / 3) indices = np.cumsum(nb_points_per_shell).tolist() indices.insert(0, 0) weight_matrix = np.zeros((nb_bvecs, nb_bvecs)) for s1 in range(nb_shells): for s2 in range(nb_shells): weight_matrix[indices[s1]:indices[s1 + 1], indices[s2]:indices[s2 + 1]] = weights[s1, s2] return _grad_electrostatic_repulsion_energy(bvecs, weight_matrix) def _grad_electrostatic_repulsion_energy(bvecs, weight_matrix, alpha=1.0): """ 1st-order derivative of electrostatic-like repulsion energy. Parameters ---------- bvecs : array-like shape (N * 3,) Vectors. weight_matrix: array-like, shape (N, N) The contribution weight of each pair of bvec. alpha : float Controls the power of the repulsion. Default is 1.0 Returns ------- grad : numpy.ndarray gradient of the objective function """ nb_bvecs = bvecs.shape[0] // 3 bvecs = bvecs.reshape((nb_bvecs, 3)) grad = np.zeros((nb_bvecs, 3)) for i in range(nb_bvecs): indices = (np.arange(nb_bvecs) != i) diffs = ((bvecs[indices] - bvecs[i]) ** 2).sum(1) ** (alpha + 1) sums = ((bvecs[indices] + bvecs[i]) ** 2).sum(1) ** (alpha + 1) grad[i] += (- 2 * alpha * weight_matrix[i, indices] * (bvecs[i] - bvecs[indices]).T / diffs).sum(1) grad[i] += (- 2 * alpha * weight_matrix[i, indices] * (bvecs[i] + bvecs[indices]).T / sums).sum(1) grad = grad.reshape(nb_bvecs * 3) return grad