Source code for scilpy.gpuparallel.opencl_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import logging
import inspect
import os
import scilpy

from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
cl, have_opencl, _ = optional_package('pyopencl')

[docs] def cl_device_type(device_type_str): if device_type_str == 'cpu': return cl.device_type.CPU if device_type_str == 'gpu': return cl.device_type.GPU return -1
[docs] class CLManager(object): """ Class for managing an OpenCL program. Wraps a subset of pyopencl functions to simplify its integration with python. The OpenCL program can be run on the cpu or on the gpu, given the appropriate drivers are installed. When multiple cpu or gpu are available, the one that first comes up in the list of available devices is selected. Parameters ---------- cl_kernel: CLKernel object The CLKernel containing the OpenCL program to manage. device_type: string The device onto which to run the program. One of 'cpu', 'gpu'. """ def __init__(self, cl_kernel, device_type='gpu'): if not have_opencl: raise RuntimeError('pyopencl is not installed. ' 'Cannot create CLManager instance.') # Reduce verbose level for pyopencl logging.getLogger('pytools.persistent_dict').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('pyopencl').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) self.input_buffers = [] self.output_buffers = [] # maps key to index in buffers list self.inputs_mapping = {} self.outputs_mapping = {} # Find the best device for running GPU tasks platforms = cl.get_platforms() best_device = None for p in platforms: devices = p.get_devices() for d in devices: d_type = d.get_info(cl.device_info.TYPE) if d_type == cl_device_type(device_type)\ and best_device is None: best_device = d # take the first device of right type if best_device is None: raise ValueError('No device of type {} found'.format(device_type)) self.context = cl.Context(devices=[best_device]) self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.context) program = cl.Program(self.context, cl_kernel.code_string).build() self.kernel = cl.Kernel(program, cl_kernel.entry_point)
[docs] class OutBuffer(object): """ Structure containing output buffer information. Parameters ---------- buf: cl.Buffer The cl.Buffer object containing the output. shape: tuple Shape for the output array. dtype: dtype Datatype for output. """ def __init__(self, buf, shape, dtype): self.buf = buf self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def add_input_buffer(self, key, arr=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Add an input buffer to the kernel program. Input buffers must be added in the same order as they are declared inside the kernel code (.cl file). Parameters ---------- key: string Name of the buffer in the input buffers list. Used for referencing when updating buffers. arr: numpy ndarray Data array. dtype: dtype, optional Optional type for array data. It is recommended to use float32 whenever possible to avoid unexpected behaviours. Note ---- Array is reordered as fortran array and then flattened. This is important to keep in mind when writing kernel code. For example, for a 3-dimensional array of shape (X, Y, Z), the flat index for position i, j, k is idx = i + j * X + z * X * Y. """ buf = None if arr is not None: # convert to fortran ordered, dtype array arr = np.asfortranarray(arr, dtype=dtype) buf = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY | cl.mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=arr) if key in self.inputs_mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid key for buffer!') self.inputs_mapping[key] = len(self.input_buffers) self.input_buffers.append(buf)
[docs] def update_input_buffer(self, key, arr, dtype=np.float32): """ Update an input buffer. Input buffers must first be added to program using `add_input_buffer`. Parameters ---------- key: string Name of the buffer in the input buffers list. arr: numpy ndarray Data array. dtype: dtype, optional Optional type for array data. It is recommended to use float32 whenever possible to avoid unexpected behaviours. """ if key not in self.inputs_mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid key for buffer!') argpos = self.inputs_mapping[key] arr = np.asfortranarray(arr, dtype=dtype) buf = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY | cl.mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=arr) self.input_buffers[argpos] = buf
[docs] def add_output_buffer(self, key, shape=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Add an output buffer to the kernel program. Output buffers must be added in the same order as they are declared inside the kernel code (.cl file). Parameters ---------- key: string Name of the buffer in the output buffers list. Used for referencing when updating buffers. shape: tuple Shape of the output array. dtype: dtype, optional Optional type for array data. It is recommended to use float32 whenever possible to avoid unexpected behaviours. """ if key in self.outputs_mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid key for buffer!') buf = None if shape is not None: buf = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize) self.outputs_mapping[key] = len(self.output_buffers) self.output_buffers.append(self.OutBuffer(buf, shape, dtype))
[docs] def update_output_buffer(self, key, shape, dtype=np.float32): """ Update an output buffer. Output buffers must first be added to program using `add_output_buffer`. Parameters ---------- key: string Name of the buffer in the output buffers list. shape: tuple New shape of the output array. dtype: dtype, optional Optional type for array data. It is recommended to use float32 whenever possible to avoid unexpected behaviours. """ if key not in self.outputs_mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid key for buffer!') argpos = self.outputs_mapping[key] buf = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize) out_buf = self.OutBuffer(buf, shape, dtype) self.output_buffers[argpos] = out_buf
[docs] def run(self, global_size, local_size=None): """ Execute the kernel code on the GPU. Parameters ---------- global_size: tuple Tuple of between 1 and 3 entries representing the shape of the grid used for GPU computing. OpenCL uses global_size to generate a unique id for each kernel execution, which can be queried using get_global_id(axis) with axis between 0 and 2. local_size: tuple, optional Dimensions of local groups. Must divide global_size exactly, element-wise. If None, an implementation local workgroup size is used. Memory allocated in the __local address space on the GPU is shared between elements in a same workgroup. Returns ------- outputs: list of ndarrays List of outputs produced by the program. """ wait_event = self.kernel(self.queue, global_size, local_size, *self.input_buffers, *[out.buf for out in self.output_buffers]) outputs = [] for output in self.output_buffers: out_arr = np.empty(output.shape, dtype=output.dtype, order='F') cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, out_arr, output.buf, wait_for=[wait_event]) outputs.append(out_arr) return outputs
[docs] class CLKernel(object): """ Wrapper for OpenCL kernel/program code. Parameters ---------- entrypoint: string Name of __kernel function in .cl file. module: string Scilpy module in which the kernel code is located. filename: string Name for the file containing the kernel code. """ def __init__(self, entrypoint, module, filename): path_to_kernel = self._get_kernel_path(module, filename) try: f = open(path_to_kernel, 'r') except Exception: raise ValueError('OpenCL file not found in {}' .format(path_to_kernel)) self.code = f.readlines() self.entrypoint = entrypoint def _get_kernel_path(self, module, filename): """ Get the full path for the OpenCL kernel located in scilpy module `module` with filename `filename`. """ module_path = inspect.getfile(scilpy) kernel_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module_path), module, filename) return kernel_path
[docs] def set_define(self, def_name, value): """ Set the value for a compiler definition in the kernel code. This method will overwrite the previous value for this definition. Parameters ---------- def_name: string Name of definition. By convention, #define should be in upper case. Therefore, this value will also be converted to upper case. value: string The value for the define. Will be replaced directly in the kernel code. Note ---- Be careful! #define instructions are not typed and therefore prone to compilation errors. They are however faster to access than const variables. Moreover, they do not take additional space on the GPU. """ def_name = def_name.upper() to_find = '#define {}'.format(def_name) def_line = None for i, line in enumerate(self.code): if line.find(to_find) != -1: def_line = i break if def_line is None: raise ValueError('Definition {0} not found in kernel code' .format(def_name)) self.code[def_line] = '#define {0} {1}\n'.format(def_name, value)
@property def entry_point(self): return self.entrypoint @property def code_string(self): code_str = ''.join(self.code) return code_str